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One Piece Episode #674 "A Liar! Usoland On The Run!" Discussion!!

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I'd like to think that took out Treble, but a blob like him can probably just reform.  

Should have taken out Sugar while you were at it.  With someone as dangerous and reprehensible as her, she's not someone you can afford to be non-lethal with.  She's no better than Doflamingo just because she looks cute.

They keep calling him Usoland LOL.

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20 hours ago, ben0119 said:

That Hobby Hobby Fruit is probably the most ridiculous power ever.  Being able to turn people into defenseless toys is one thing, but being able to erase them from memory and make them your slaves on top of it is ridiculous.  That's like 2 if not 3 powers in one.

Ironically it's the perfect power for one of my deepest wishes, that a certain political figure would just disappear and everyone else would forget he ever even existed. The Hobby-Hobby fruit does exactly that and more.

This makes me think after Sugar gets knocked out, they may just overthrow Doflamingo by getting her to accidentally touch HIM once everyone else has been successfully returned to normal, and he would be the only toy in existence. It would be a perfect, fitting way to get rid of him!

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