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Posted (edited)

They stroll in the middle of the store aisle, leaning on their cart, putting the majority of their weight on it and moving at the speed of a crippled snail.
There's room on both sides to pass but not a lot and  reading their movements invokes uncertainty.  Their apparent lack of brain activity makes them unpredictable.
Do I ask them to move?  No.   I'm not there to socialize. I"m all business damn it.

Walking slowly behind them feels awkward as I fear that it makes me look like I'm following them .  I'm also in a hurry for no reason.  Action must be taken.  Left, right.  Just pick one.
I go for it.   I take the left when suddenly they stop and start blindly swinging their carts 180 degrees nearly striking me with it.  An exchange of excuse me's and I pass.

The rational part of me keeps me polite but rage burns within my soul.

Edited by Sieg67
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Is there a name for people at the grocery store who don’t actually want what you want, but nonetheless ride all up on your ass when there’s fucking yards of room? Like they can’t fathom a world where they’re not an inch away from your asshole when you just wanna buy frozen meat and leave?

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Comes up occasionally as well: Old bumpkins who wanna yell at cashiers and give cashiers a hard time, but still take the outer ends of fucking purgatory to insert their credit card and take out said credit card. And then I gotta signal for them to get the fuck out the way because I’M READY to check out. Guess they think standing in front of the card reader for 15 fucking seconds after it’s done somehow magically puts the bags in their cart. 

Or the people who simply wanna have long lasting intimate conversations with the cashier when there’s already a checkout line out the wazoo. Like yeah stupid this isn’t Loveline and I wanna go home, speed it the fuck up dollface.


Really it's oblivious people in general.  People who don't pay attention to their surroundings nor do they ever consider that others may want to use the same area.

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Posted (edited)
23 hours ago, [classic swim] said:

Is there a name for people at the grocery store who don’t actually want what you want, but nonetheless ride all up on your ass when there’s fucking yards of room? Like they can’t fathom a world where they’re not an inch away from your asshole when you just wanna buy frozen meat and leave?

On the street, they're known as "tailgaters".

Edit: sorry, should have read further.

Edited by tsar4

ok, title said cart leaRners and i thought you were talking about the employees at evil mart that are customer shopping. 

and i don't know why, because cart leaner or learner has nothing to do with what i was thinking.

except to say, they will take you out. they will run over you and not think twice. 

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  • Sieg67 changed the title to Cart Leaners(rant)

I feel the need to admit that occasionally I'm one of those that leans on the cart while shopping. However, I don't waddle the center of the aisle or attempt to aisle-camp for absolutely no known reason. I'm there to get my crap and leave but I'm stubborn and some days it hurts to walk more than others so the cart is my cane. 

Deliberate slow-asses piss me off too. Its a store - show up with a list and a plan and stick with it. And double f-u to those human blood clots that feel the need to clump up and have long drawn out conversations in the middle of an aisle so no one can get around them at all. Go stand in the parking lot if you have to catch up on everyone's latest bowel movements and grand kids. :| 

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