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Reading that article, it seems in Virginia you must get written consent to wear a mask at a costume party to avoid felony charges.


I found that odd, too.


So he was arrested for some weird law about wearing a mask? Not, you know, waving a sword around in public?


Fucking Virginia, man...


Also... I mean, it's kinda funny that they took his booking photo with him dressed as the Joker. But, isn't that kind of pointless? Like, aren't those supposed to serve as reference and data for law enforcement? What did they put on his rap sheet? Hair color: green, eyes: white?


I dunno. You think they'd have scrubbed him down a little bit before taking his mugshot.


Do you motherfuckers not realize that's the REAl joker?


A Virginia prison is about to be attacked and all the inmates released tonight to go on a terror spree.


It's not too far fetched to believe Gotham is a nickname for a real city in Virgina.  This all adds up.


I found that odd, too.


So he was arrested for some weird law about wearing a mask? Not, you know, waving a sword around in public?


Fucking Virginia, man...


I figured they get him for disturbing the peace too.


The sword thing though, maybe there just aren't any laws about people carrying swords around?  It's not a law I commonly look up

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