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Bit of Kai news.  The blurays/DVDs are finally coming out in the U.S. for anyone interested.  It actually really pisses me off that they withheld the releases for several years just to give Toonami exclusive premiere rights. 


91g1IszdFfL._SX425_.jpg  Part 1: Episodes 99-121.  To be released on April 25th.



91aerrPlaOL._SY550_.jpg  Part 2: Episodes 122-144.  To be released on May 23rd.


At least they're not waiting until the series is finished airing to release them.


while we're on the subject of DBZ

I sketched a second pic of Vegeta getting a rimjob from Goku, it's better than the first one I did but I haven't scanned or colored it yet so it won't be done till next weekend.....but next weekend :fap:


Bit of Kai news.  The blurays/DVDs are finally coming out in the U.S. for anyone interested.  It actually really pisses me off that they withheld the releases for several years just to give Toonami exclusive premiere rights. 


91g1IszdFfL._SX425_.jpg  Part 1: Episodes 99-121.  To be released on April 25th.



91aerrPlaOL._SY550_.jpg  Part 2: Episodes 122-144.  To be released on May 23rd.



At least they're not waiting until the series is finished airing to release them.




It feels like it's gotta be a parody of something or just games in general.


That was weird as fuck.


Kenji Kawai's epic music was too good for what was on screen tho given that nothing tense was happening LOL.


Ok.  That was...dumb.  So. I wonder what gets cut from Kai to make room for this.

I'm just gonna consider this the apology MV for Naruto for the next few weeks

I assume the video game stuff was supposed be funny as a reference, and also establish what the danger of this show is.  Still, it's good to get out of your comfort zone once in a while, so I'll stay tuned!


KAI: I don't know about you but I DIG THIS 80'S THEME!




I assume the video game stuff was supposed be funny as a reference, and also establish what the danger of this show is.  Still, it's good to get out of your comfort zone once in a while, so I'll stay tuned!


KAI: I don't know about you but I DIG THIS 80'S THEME!




I knowww every time it plays I just want to


type it out, type it out


So, that was a thing.


The opening battle was cool but short.  And why did KFC get out of the mech?  Creative mech design by the way.


Now we've gone into the videogame mode.


What the fuck.  Just... what the fuck to just about everything here.


This was demented.  It seemed more like an Adult Swim thing than a Toonami thing.  Then again, they did give Oshii complete creative freedom.


I knowww every time it plays I just want to


type it out, type it out


I should groan, but instead I adore you.  :D :D 


... wow those guys sounded very weird saying their names like that.


.... how come these two DBZ shows focus so much on the lil tykes!?


Trunks isn't sure to make of what just happened. :D


ROFL as soon as Hercule gets inside IT HURTS SO MUCH!


Trunks and Goten up to mischief.


What the fuck is that guy wearing?  It's a worse outfit than Great Saiyaman!


Hmm that's not the story they told to fool this goof int he old dub was it?



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