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I gotta say, with the recent news that has broken, with it being determined that the war crimes that have been committed in Ukraine were ordered by the Russian command (probably came all the way from Putin,) and not just sporadic pockets done by the Russian troops on their own, it's hard to just go about business as usual. 

Of course, I was never suited for the military, much less using a gun in general, due to various reasons, and I don't have much money I can give to support the cause.  There had been a collection of videogames that you could donate as little as $10 for, that would go to Ukraine (That Pat and Ian of the CU Podcast brought up,) but I missed the opportunity.

On top of that, there have been two horrible stories that recently happened in the wrestling world, that neither needed to happen.

And today, my Grandma took one of her Shih Tzu dogs to the vet, and it was unfortunately found that she had advanced diabetic ketoacidosis, and had to be put to sleep.  The dog was 12 years old.  She's going to have the dog's ashes spread over my aunt's grave, who died in September 2019, as I mentioned at the time, as the two were buddies. 

I'm not sure how the other Shih Tzu and my 2 cats will react, as they've all been buddies for many years.  We got this dog that died very shortly after the other Shih Tzu, and my 2 cats will be 8 years old on May 5th.

Obviously, I am not putting any of my this on equal footing whatsoever with the events going in the world at large, but it's just more depressing news, one thing after another.

I haven't been sleeping well lately either.  I don't do well without a full 8 hours, and haven't gotten that in a while.  Usually when I stay up later, I wake up later, but that hasn't been the case lately, for some reason.  So, I might fall asleep at some point tonight during the block, but hopefully not.  Though, if I do, it won't be the end of the world, and I can always watch via the Adult Swim website tomorrow.


The Men in Black!


In the game, it switches where the words are on the dialog menu selection, so you can't just pick the same thing every time and have to pay attention haha.


"My cute little Yuan."


In the English dub of the game, where Yuan is inexplicably a woman, Do Niu refers Yuan as "My partner" in this scene.  And Yuan has a photo of Do Niu on her desk, pretty unusual for a crime syndicate.

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