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Jujutsu Kaisen 0 takes #2 spot at the box office behind The Batman

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Nothing was beating The Batman but the spare space has allowed Kaisen to be a surprise hit to those who already saw Battinson in action.  (I want to see it but I'm debating whether to go or just wait till next month, April 19 to be exact, for the HBO Max release).

6 hours ago, -Ninja_Jesus- said:

All this and still animation gets no respect at the Oscars.

There's a few reasons for that.  Namely that the academy is mostly crusty old white dudes who just care about what their kids or grandkids watch to shut them up (which is why 9 times out of 10 Disney wins the animation category) and the people in the West defending animation as a medium...kind of suck at it.  You got folks talking about The Owl House like it's not a canceled show for little kids because the lead girl likes other girls (when the audience couldn't give two shits and a holler about it) and stuff like Kaisen dismissed as "weebshit" because it takes attention away from their important, socially relevant stuff.  It sends really weird signals when the guy defending animation as this big, mature medium lists his main credit as The Patrick Star Show.

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