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Why is it always One Piece that gets the shit end of the stick.

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When worse shonen like Naruto, DBZ and Bleach all get their proper dues in America.


All I want is for OP to be respected. Why is this dream unachivable? Why does OP always suffer while the likes of Naruto and DBZ get to keep going.


This is why popularity is everything... because when your not popular you get yanked. And I know they tried their hardest. I just hate that no matter what we did, OP still can't catch on. I hate that this is the situation. And I can't get over it. No amount of you guys telling me to get over it is going to make me get over it.


This sucks. This hurts. Really really bad. You guys are lucky, not caring about OP you don't feel the pain. But I do. And I feel like no one here can even be sympathetic enough to AT LEAST numb the pain a little for me.


I'm not joking. This isn't a character. I'm legit hurting right now. Please just acknowledge that and give me some hopeful OP news or story. Something not based in pure unrealistic optimism. Something that shows me I fell in love with the right series and that I'm not wasting my time. I... I need some type of pep talk right now, I... oh dear god.. I dunno what to do with myself right now, I really don't. I'm so fucking destroyed over all this. I... I feel like I have absolutely nothing now. I'm...  :(


The "One Piece should be more popular" thing is something I don't really understand. I get that people love a series and want to see it go that way, but what is their endgame? So the show becomes popular and people love it, but then what? There are so many works of pop culture that have become well respected within the mainstream, so you can always rally around one that becomes that way.


It's a nihilistic end goal, that's what I'm saying. And while I have no problem with one doing it, don't utilize trolling to see your vision become a reality.


I just came up with this a few seconds ago, but I think Moose wanted One Piece to get popular here so he could talk about it with people without looking and sounding like a total weeb. They would've ostracized him anyways, given his mental issues.


I just came up with this a few seconds ago, but I think Moose wanted One Piece to get popular here so he could talk about it with people without looking and sounding like a total weeb. They would've ostracized him anyways, given his mental issues.

This. Basically lol.


A lot of shows don't reach that pinnacle of mainstream, or are popular in some areas but not others.  You think anyone in Europe gives a damn about Friday Night Lights?  As much as we do about Tintin and Asterix (Not a lot).  One Piece is never going to be a thing here and that's OK.


So why wasn't  OP more popular? Why was it the least popular of the big 3 in the US?


I think the reason I never gave it a shot was the art style is pretty much an eye sore. And the character designs are really off putting to me.


But I'm sure there must be more to it than that.



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