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Sword Art Online: Alicization - War Of Underworld Episode 19 "Awakening" Discussion

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1 minute ago, AnimationFan14 said:

You heard it here first folks 

200 years is the maximum limit of the human soul 

I think that meant maximum limit of a human soul in a body. The oldest known person is about 130 years old, so it makes sense. Even with no movement, the body would apparently reject the soul after 200 years...or something.

At least that's my theory.

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Episode 7 - Sword Art Online: Alicization War of Underworld Part 2 - Anime News Network

4 stars. Can't say I disagree. The action was top-notch, and the revelation of a fixed time frame to find Alice made for an extra dimension of urgency. At least this won't be like Namek, right?? 

Only 4 episodes left to go until the War of Underworld is over on Toonami! On to FIRE FORCE for now!!!

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3 hours ago, CorbeauKarasu said:

and now kirito, who is asuna's equal, soundly demolishes an enemy that caused her to struggle. the core of what's wrong with this series

But Kirito has just been revived and restored, and is powered up by the power of friendship and power of love!  And Asuna was worn down from fighting an entire army!

3 hours ago, AnimationFan14 said:

Writing yourself out of plot holes is so easy

Just make new plot holes 

Hey, you can call it bullshit, but the bullshit was set up, so you can't it an asspull!

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So what do y'all think this show gets replaced with? My guess is Black Clover, though Dr. Stone is also certainly a possibility. I think they'll play it safe and replace Fire Force with that though. Also out there is Promised Neverland Season 2, but I think that's more like April or May. Maybe that replaces AOT? Or maybe vice versa? It seems to me that AOT is going to end 2 weeks before Fire Force, as AOT has 15 episodes left, while FF has 17. So perhaps AOT gets replaced by Dr. Stone Season 2, while Fire Force gets replaced by Promised Neverland Season 2? It didn't do too well at Midnight in 2019, so maybe 1:30 AM would be more apropos for its continuation.

Also in the longshot category is Yasha-Hime. While I would love for that to start headlining Toonami immediately and for DBS to be kicked to 8 PM or 9 PM, I just don't know if it's in the cards. Uzumaki is also hanging out there somewhere, along with those 2 other shows we're supposed to be getting this year, but I expect those to be 11:30 expansion shows.

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