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Also just reminded HoF tonight. Well I am really interested to hear Cornette's remarks...


Damn can he still talk. Woulda listened to plenty more, just wonderful! :D


NXT Takeover:


turns out, they did book Sanity vs Team 10 for Takeover.  It was fucking amazing.

Sanity (Erik Young, Alexander Wolfe, Killian Dane and Nikki Cross) Vs Tye Dillinger, Ruby Riot, Roderick Strong and turns out Kassius Ohno, who replaced No Way Jose who got jumped by Sanity earlier in the day at a Wrestlemania Access event.


The match was incredible.  Strong particularly stood out with some amazing spots.  Ruby Riot and Nikki Cross had insane chemistry as well, Ohno was actually a great addition.  Every single person in the match did top work, and it was just a madhouse all the way through with bodies everywhere and action in and out of the ring.  Even so, it never got messy.  The spots were well timed and well executed.  Fantastic work.


The match was so good, it really didn't matter who won, either way it flipped, it was gold.  Turns out the win went to Sanity (which was probably good, as I said before, as far as teams go, they're kind of the one that needs the win story-wise I thought). 


Amazing start to Takeover.


Andrade Cien Almas Vs Aleister Black.


one of the things NXT excels at is intros.  Black's debut entrance was pretty spectacular. 


another great match.  Stuff you can't get in WWE from Raw or Smackdown.  Very unusual styles that don't seem particularly tolerated by the WWE main-brain bookers, which is why I think NXT is a much more interesting and entertaining product than Raw or Smackdown right now.  Gone are the standard spears, clotheslines, and RKO type maneuvers that seem to slow down the action rather than speed it up.  The matches are fast paced, tell good stories, and decent length.  WWE always seems to want to not only slow down their matches, but also trim them down time-wise, making for a lot of too short and too slow segments.


It's great to see Almas getting something of a push, as previously he's been sort of buried on the roster.  And Black is also a proven talent, these two are very well matched and are really great together.


Black picked up the win, as expected.  The difference between WWE and NXT, is - even when I can predict the outcome of a match, it's not because it's not a satisfying/entertaining match.  It's because it makes sense in the ongoing story structure.  This was good.  Black and Almas both very solid.


DIY (Ciampa and Garganno) Vs the Revival (Dash and Dawson) Vs Authors of Pain (w/Paul Ellering)


DIY eliminated first, but match didn't go on too long after that.  Authors Of Pain pick up the win. 


Much like the opening match, this was amazing.  Lots of action, tons of spots.  Authors of Pain did well I think, better than I expected for being in the ring with four of NXT's best.  The only thing I would say criticism-wise is - with the tag titles, this doesn't really leave a lot of story possibilities moving forward from Takeover.  But good match anyway.


Ember Moon Vs Asuka


wow you know, as usual - every single match so far has been amazing.  Great back and forth in this one.  Asuka picks up the win, which is good.  There's still some Asuka matches I want to see in NXT before she moves up.  Also, after I posted my prediction/comments before, I saw that she was actually on the NXT tour schedule, so - it was pretty clear she's sticking with NXT, not going to the main roster.  This makes me happy.


I used to be one of those people that was like "this person deserves to be called up to the main roster", but after seeing how the main roster makes mincemeat out of talented performers in favor of pushing the standard 2-3 names they've always pushed, I'm often actually almost more grateful to see performers stay in NXT.


holy shit Nakamura/Roode is next!


Roode had the spectacular entrance this time around with a piano overture and everything.  The match was good.  As Nakamura matches go, I think his matches with Roode aren't as good as his stuff with Sami Zayn, Samoa Joe, Finn Balor and others.  I feel like Roode tends to slow things down, kind of like I mentioned earlier with WWE style being slower than NXT.  I think Roode would be right at home on the WWE roster.  Nakamura


Roode picks up the win.  That feels super anti-climactic to me.  Especially after such a fantastic event.  I would much rather have seen Nakamura pick up the win and Roode go to the main roster.  Though I guess we'll see. 


I'm super skeptical that Raw or Smackdown creative will know what to do with a monster talent like Nakamura, who is as outside the box as they come both in terms of character and in-ring style.


Roode on the other hand, I'm not sure - I suppose they'll brew up a feud with Kassius Ohno now or something.  Maybe Aleister Black?  Could be good, could be the start of a slow period for NXT.  We'll have to see.


here's the fans' sendoff for Nakamura from NXT, as he took what will probably be his final bows for the brand at Takeover.



also unconfirmed fansite reports suggest that Nakamura is going to end up on the Smackdown roster. 


which, if it has to be one or the other, I'd rather see him go to Smackdown than Raw I guess.


Welp, got my first prediction wrong, but my wishful thinking correct! So...good? start? :D


Second completely wrong. :D


Ambrose/Corbin bumped to pre-show? Both deserved better. :( Got my prediction completely wrong too. Corbin needed it more, but as I said Dean was due for a Mania win. :(


0 - 2 - 1 so far on predictions


Got AJ/Shane right, but that was pretty much a gimme


1 - 2 - 1


Also, my network feed has cut no less than 15 times since the Dean/Corbin match...it's out as I type this.


Missed about two-thirds of Owens/Jericho with the network cutting out. Another gimme correct prediction though. Literally kicked out again as Owens was leaving.


2 - 2 - 1


Got the raw women totally wrong. Missed most of it anyway. :|


2 - 3 - 1


Missed the Hardy Boys return thanks to the Network crashes. :|


2 - 4 - 1


I literally missed ALL of Cena's match trying to get the network working. It only did during the proposal...I'm guessing they won?


3 - 4 - 1 if so...


Finally gave up trying to watch on tv during Seth/HHH and went to the laptop. Still freezing occasionally but at least watchable. And I was right, plus Steph got a tiny bit of comeuppance. :D Why no Joe tho?


4 - 4 - 1


Bray/Orton time. I'm pretty open-minded, but those maggot and worm and whatever effects were cheesy as fuck! :D :D :D Anyway meh match, but right again.


5 - 4 - 1


No opinion on Lesnar/Goldberg, just went as expected, still don't care.


6 - 4 - 1


Glad the SD women actually made it on the card. They did what they could with the time they had. Glad Naomi won...


7 - 4 - 1


...and now... Roman



8 - 4 - 1


Austin Ares Vs Neville 

I had Ares for the win but I was still happy to see Neville win and it was a good match.


Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal:

Killian Dane was a surprise, especially lasting almost til the end.  Mojo winning was kind of cool. 


Corbin Vs Ambrose  ambrose retains pretty cool.

I think I had Corbin winning, so I think I'm wrong across the board so far.


New Day are good hosts.


Shane Vs AJ Styles


match went kind of how I thought, except it wasn't technically speaking as good as I'd hoped.  AJ with the win as predicted


KO Vs Jericho 


match seemed short to me, also not as good as I'd hoped, KO with the win as predicted.


Bayley Vs Charlotte Vs Nia Jax Vs Sasha Banks:    Amazing stuff, the earlier matches of the night were decent enough, but plagued by slowdowns and clumsy spots.  The women are just smooth.  They know what they're doing, they all work well together, there are no weak links.  well, once again, the women steel the show.  My pick, Nia, got eliminated first.  So missed that.  Very pleasantly surprised to see Bayley ratain.


2017 Hall Of Fame class is a good one.  Here's the difference between Angle and Cena:  When the crowd chants "YOU SUCK" Angle LOVES it.  And he understands it.  Cena is always thrown by it, he pretends to embrace it, but it's clear he's only pretending.  And the crowd means it with Cena, with Angle it's part of his heel gimmick.  But you can see it in his eyes, Angle loves his fans and they love him.  Cena doesn't seem to understand that relationship. 


Enzo and Cass Vs Sheamus and Cesaro Vs Gallows and Anderson  Vs Hardys.


don't get me wrong, Hardys were great, and they're still not bad in the ring at all, but this is what pisses me off about WWE.  You have 3 extremely deserving teams, six amazing performers, and WWE creative is like "I know, let's have some oldsters todder in and destroy everyone and we drop the belts on them!"



Cena/Bella vs Miz/Maryse  Called it right down to the marriage proposal at the end.



Triple H vs Seth Rollins  I find myself looking forward to this probably more than I did the other matches.  no runins but a pretty good match, Rollins picks up the win in a straight up one on one.  So got this one wrong, but very glad I did.  I'm surprised (don't know why, but I was) at how good this match was.


shitty music interlude:  fuck off with that shit, fuck pit bull and fuck this shitty WM33 song that they keep playing every break.  It sucks dog dick and is taking up too much time.


wyatt vs orton almost don't want to watch.  shitty match  Orton wins fuck you.  That's kind of how I feel about it.  The match really wasn't that bad.  But it kind of pisses me off they keep dropping belts on the most boring possible performers just because Vince or somebody in booking has a hardon for them.


alexa bliss vs becky lynch vs carmella vs Mickey James vs Naomi vs Natalya  another great match Naomi wins!  The women really do put the men to shame here.  I mean, every single women's match has been phenomenal.  All the other matches have had some sort of glitch, problem, or slow section or missed spot.  It's awesome to see a match where everyone in it is firing on all cylinders.


Goldberg Vs Lesnar:  Fuck you.


Reigns vs Undertaker:  Fuck you.




So kind of about what I expected.  Very irritating headliner matches, a couple of nice surprises, the women stole the show (no question), I feel like I enjoyed it more than last year.  But also I had kind of braced myself for shitty Lesnar V Goldberg and Reigns winning and Orton winning.


Now we're over the crappy part (the WM33 main events fucking yuck) and onward to the post-WM Raw and Smackdowns, which should be awesome.  Very excited to see what goes down post-WM, who gets called up from NXT, etc. 


I'm actually genuinely looking forward to Raw and Smackdown this week I think way more than I was looking forward to this year's WM.


Raw audience dropping F bombs and boo birds on Roman. I don't think creative was expecting this level of hate, but it would be a great heel turn for him to use. Generally was disappointed by mania save New Day antics and women, particularly SD.


Cole was already spinning the hate as "crazy post-Mania crowds boo who they'd normally cheer" garbage. He ain't turnin'. I know many would love that, he just has go away X-Pac heat with me though.


I nearly died when the crowd chanted Balor to face Lesnar instead of Roman. Now Balor is likely gonna return as Seth's partner while big bad face Roman beats Strowman for four weeks and then Lesnar. WWE doesn't care that no one likes him, REIGNS WILL NEVER TURN HEEL. Mind you as I said I'll hate him either way, but their stubbornness never ceases to baffle and amuse me. :D


okay - here's part of the deal with Reigns:


how can a guy that's getting SO MUCH heat from the crowd be that fucking boring?


that's my problem with Reigns in a nutshell.


okay - here's part of the deal with Reigns:


how can a guy that's getting SO MUCH heat from the crowd be that fucking boring?


that's my problem with Reigns in a nutshell.


From a wrestling forum I lurk:



heeey revival.  Not sure Raw is the best brand for them, but there's a trade next week so maybe Gallows and Anderson'll go to Smackdown or something.


Generally speaking the fans were awesome.

Reigns should be a heel, the audience hates him and he needs time to work on Mic skills.

Stroman and Lesnar should be the next thing, and Reigns can beef with Balor.


Also, Matt Hardy looks like a meth head and Gallows and Anderson should go to SD to reform bullet club.


Cena and Reigns are beyond heel turns.  I think they both have the potential to damage the entire brand. 


In-ring they're assets no question.  They're both very talented. 


But storywise and mic wise they have different issues.  Reigns doesn't know how to emote or act or react, he's terrible on the mic.  Creative's answer to that was to thrust this "big dawg attitude" on him, which he also doesn't seem to understand or execute well.  Cena can go on the mic, but he's got these glaringly obvious personal character flaws that I think he is fully convinced don't show up in his performance, but most definitely do.


they both need different types of acting coaching, and they both need different creative solutions. 


Cena's performance bleeds with his personal obsequiousness.  Reigns' promos are mud.  And both have the shittiest booking ever.  Their pushes work against them.  And nobody ever tries anything new, or tries to change course, they just keep ramming away.


I like Cena, and I like him as a face, but he needs to have less exposure and move into a more "conscience" role, when guys heel turn in a really obnoxious manner then Cena shows up.

Reigns needs acting lessons. He has potential but he needs coaching in being a badass. It is like creative wants him to be the new Austin, but he lacks the ability to emote effectively.


Matt hardy still looks like a meth head. :P



I am generally pleased more with SDL than RAW. I think SDL does more innovative things, has fresher talent and tries newer things.

RAW is getting stale.

Nakamura's entrance was more entertaining than any match, save Corbin/Ambrose. Corbin can go places, I hope they develop him. Same goes for Ascension, but I think they are gonna job it for their careers.

SDL needs Bullet club.



SDL is MUCH better than Raw. Their only weak link is the tag division. Though admittedly I'm pretty done with Orton vs Wyatt at this point. There are many better who should be feuding for the title. If anyone on SDL had to go to Raw next week I wish it was Orton or Wyatt, too bad neither will. :( Oh and Mojo....take Mojo Raw.


My hope for a Corbin push is already well documented in this thread. Please keep him, AJ, Nakamura on SDL.


watching the Smackdown RIGHT NOW.


So far good show.  Rowan returns!  Always loved Rowan even though he's a jobber.


yeah, Dillinger to me is like one of those - actually kinda like Curt Hawkins.  Zack Ryder - just - not quite ever over with me.  But hey, somebody has to occupy the lower card so there can be a midcard and upper card right?  Titus O'Neil is another one.  Just - not that I don't like them, I  kinda do.  But they're just not - like anybody I'd go "FUCK YEAH". 


Having said that, I would put Dillinger toward the top of that heap.  Just by virtue of the heat coming off him from NXT.


But there's definitely other guys in that corral that I like a ton more, like Curtis Axel, Bo Dallas and probably a few more I'm not thinking of atm.


I like Mojo, just still not really happy with him winning the ATG battle royal, especially not the way he won it.


Miz is crazy good.  He out promos Cena and I think that's because - you know the announcers lately have been into mentioning "ring awareness" (which gets annoying kinda) but - that's what Cena lacks I think.  Miz has a real awareness of his subject matter, timing, the crowd, etc.  Cena I think used to have that, but he lost it.  He has literally zero awareness, he sort of goes out and tries to slam out what he's rehearsed and hit his marks and expects a cookie afterwards.  but I think because he has no awareness, he may go out there and say what he intended to say, but it just has zero effect because - while he still has a decent enough delivery, there's no real crowd awareness there.  He might as well be doing his promos in front of a mirror or somwething and OH MY GOD THAT'S NAKAMURA's ENTRANCE MUSIC


SDL doe not need Lesnar or Reigns. I'd love to see them get Gallows/Anderson and boost their tag division.

Raw needs to be bolder with their stories, and really try to push newer talent. Hopefully with Angle they can do that.


the dumb thing is Raw has more time and more talent and does much less with both than Smackdown does, or even NXT some weeks.


rumors suggest that Rollins is going to SD, Styles to Raw, The New Day to SD, Charlotte to SD, Alexa Bliss to Raw and there's not chance Reigns will switch brands.  He's cemented to Raw.


The Rollins/Styles switch sounds plausible.  Not sure about the New Day thing.  the Charlotte/Bliss thing sounds 50/50 to me.  I wouldn't doubt Vince would want Bliss on Raw, but I'm not sure he'd send Charlotte packing.  Clearly, Triple H is trying to build brands and diversify.  I think Vince is still kind of stuck in a world where Raw is it and everything else is ancillary. 


to me it doesn't matter a ton, except that - whoever gets shipped off to Raw will get the suck end of the stick and whoever gets bumped to Smackdown might have a chance at a decent storyline maybe.


Then there's stuff like - part of me would like to see Harper stick with the Wyatt storyline, but he already got fucked over for Wrestlemania, there's no real indication that would change.  maybe in Smackdown he'd actually get into the title picture.


rumors suggest that Rollins is going to SD, Styles to Raw, The New Day to SD, Charlotte to SD, Alexa Bliss to Raw and there's not chance Reigns will switch brands.  He's cemented to Raw..


Yeah saw this earlier. Styles leaving sucks balls, and I hate New Day. SDL getting the short end yet again. Can we give JBL to Raw for free and have Mauro back?


also Simon Gotch got the boot (released from his contract).  So - dunno what that means for Aiden English.

Everyone backstage gets along fine with and likes Aiden. Gotch, on the other hand, was a dick that everyone despised.


Rumor has it they might pair up Aiden English with Jack Gallagher.


Everyone backstage gets along fine with and likes Aiden. Gotch, on the other hand, was a dick that everyone despised.


Rumor has it they might pair up Aiden English with Jack Gallagher.


oh that would be awesome.


The JBL thing - not sure where it's going to go, or if it will truly have an effect (JBL is a personal toady of Vince, so it's not the same thing as if another employee were involved).


But there are literally people crawling out of the woodwork now with JBL stories.  Including some pretty alarming stuff, like JBL spearheading an abuse campaign against Chris Kanyon for being gay, which almost caused him to take his own life (he actually did commit suicide in 2010 I think), he shoved another of the talent into the shower and suggested he was going to rape him, and Edge has said that he also had some physical abuse from JBL in the shower.


that goes waaaaaaaay above/beyond just a simple ego spat between announcers.  Actual emotional and physical abuse of the caliber JBL seems capable of dealing out (apparently routinely) has real legal and commercial ramifications that, if enough people start noticing, could be almost as big as the Hogan thing.


I'm super curious to see if any chants get picked up about it.  That would be a fucking disaster for WWE, and Vince would have a motherfucking stroke.

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