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Job is pretty much exactly what I want to do

Pay is decent (Less than I made before but enough that I could live comfortably)

Facilities are super nice, clean, modern, and secure (It's not in the best area of town so security is important but for being in a bad area I was really surprised at how nice everything was)

Four 10-hour shifts a week (I actually kind of like this because I'd always have three days off a week, and my days off would be all in a row)

Free dinners



I'd be working Friday-Monday 1pm-12am to start (They say it's easy to move up and everyone starts with those hours but who knows how true that is and good-bye social life in the meantime)

Location is pretty far away, I'd probably want to move once I finish out my lease

Location isn't the best. While the building and parking lot is secure I'd feel a bit nervous driving home until I get to the freeway


Tbh if it had better hours/days I probably would have accepted the offer but that's a big one for me. What do. Also for unemployment they say I have to accept any "suitable" offer for employment I get and they don't consider pay or what shift it is in suitability. I guess the location and the fact that I don't technically have any training specific to this job might count as reasons, though.



As long as there isn't an immediate time limit on that offer then yeah go look into the others.


They said they had three interviews and are still interviewing "several people" so I should probably let them know my decision pretty soon but I could always give a delay in when I'll start? Idk I'd hate to say I'll take the job and then say I change my mind after that.


i'd take the job and look in the meantime so you at least have a paycheck


Yeah I mean it would be pretty easy to interview with three days off in the week. But I'd like nvr get to see kidney


Yeah I mean it would be pretty easy to interview with three days off in the week. But I'd like nvr get to see kidney

i mean if you find something better in like a month then it's at least a month's worth of pay. just think of it as temporary. plus kidney is jerks


When did they expect you to start?

I don't see anything wrong with interviewing, but if you commit to this job, I'd work for at least a year before looking anywhere else.


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