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Those insurance commercials where Peyton Manning is lording over his miniature city.

That shit is dope and I hope he legit spends his days meticulously crafting those tiny models.

I want to believe that one day he had a guy from the insurance company over to talk about business stuff, then out of the blue Peyton's like- "Hey, you wanna see the coolest thing ever? Come check it out, it's in my garage." And the insurance guy sees it and is like "Wow we need to use that in our commercials."

Wish I had a tiny city.

Shit would be dope.


//> I look at his city as a call for help he did that all that time effort and money for PEYTONVILLE first the land buildings roads and then the people . People with names lives Hope's dreams and ambitions all controlled by peyton all controlled by god , peyton is playing a dangerous game now and Brad is player 2 ./

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