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I do love the perennial Jeff Hardy presence in wrestling though like it's funny to me now how he, specifically, is permanently over and forever perceived as a main event level guy just because of how much more any given promotion's audience that he is put in front of cheers for him than almost anyone else on the card. Of course he'll be back, probably in not too long. Put him in ROH with Brian Cage and all the other misfit weirdos, make Eddie Kingston their world champion for a year, throw that on Toonami, who gaf any more let's get it done. 

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6 hours ago, Nablonsky said:

I do love the perennial Jeff Hardy presence in wrestling though like it's funny to me now how he, specifically, is permanently over and forever perceived as a main event level guy just because of how much more any given promotion's audience that he is put in front of cheers for him than almost anyone else on the card. Of course he'll be back, probably in not too long. Put him in ROH with Brian Cage and all the other misfit weirdos, make Eddie Kingston their world champion for a year, throw that on Toonami, who gaf any more let's get it done. 


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12 hours ago, Seight said:


It's so lame the way they constantly job him out and squander him despite being the most popular non-WWE guy on the roster for at least a year now. How can you have a Mad King who never wins anything, ridiculous. Give him the gold

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Oh, and that Wardlow promo about saying he didn't want to compete for a match against Punk because he... wants a match against Punk made no goddamn sense.

Why is he wasting time fucking around with Scorpio sky and the TNT title when he could've just dumped everyone out of the battle royale, just clownishly bad booking. 

Basically announcing that "look we are absolutely dead set on having this match between Punk and a Japanese guy, so in the meantime Wardlow is going to fuck around in midcard purgatory for several months because Goldberg won the US title first, and so whatever" 

Wardlow has already beaten Punk. Come the fuck on. 

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For some reason I watched the latest dynamite. Worst shit I've ever seen in my entire life. Who are all these random factions, nobody gives a shit. My god this is bad. 

Double dose of both Jericho and the Top Team guy. How do they have 100 dudes on the roster and yet it's this razor thin?

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  • You don't really need a wizard when MINORU SUZUKI is there
  • Make FTR literally every tag champ except WWE's, that would be funny I think
  • All hail PAC, International Man Of Mystery Bastardry
  • Sting, AIEEE. That is all.
  • Rosa, White, and Mox were all the correct winners of their matches IMO
  • Ooh, if we're pulling guys I know from Chikara like King and Claudio lets sign Archibald Peck next (non-sarcastic)
  • And finally, the most important thing that happened last night:
  • Screen_Shot_2022_06_26_at_10.23.42_PM.0.png
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  • 1 year later...


I can't believe it's actually, finally over. I know he was injured/suspended/uninsurable for what felt like more than half of the time he was there, but the memes and all the bullshit were SO MUCH FUN. What an amazing ride. I don't know if wrestling will be able to capture that sort of magic ever again. 

No idea what AEW is going to do now, wishing them all the best in their future endeavors. 

On the bright side though, at least they still have this absolute Emperor 



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