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there's this song that somewhat sounds like the opening to Lupin the 3rd

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so i was about to go to bed and turned on some music like i normally do and a jazz song comes on. listen to the first 20 or so seconds of it

now here's the opening to lupin the 3rd. listen for about 5 seconds or so."

i know it's not exact but i even thought to myself while in bed "that few seconds sounds really similar to Lupin"

Edited by Naraku4656
10 hours ago, lupin_bebop said:

Similar, but only because of key relation. 

is that why I think it sounds similar? it's a very short piece so i knew it probably was unintentional but still

8 hours ago, Naraku4656 said:

is that why I think it sounds similar? it's a very short piece so i knew it probably was unintentional but still

Yes. That’s why it sounds familiar to you. It’s because the keys are similar to each other, in fact, because of key change in one, it is the same. 


Fun fact about my own music.

A few years ago (probably 2016) I wrote a guitar riff in a metal sub-genre I don't normally play (traditional heavy metal; I mostly play doom metal, and before I discovered doom metal I was all about Metallica-styled melodic thrash with a dash of early Sabbath). But after I fell in love with it, it seemed similar to something else I may have heard in my then recent collecting of early-mid 2000s traditional / epic heavy metal CDs. I listened through these CDs looking for the culprit and did not find it, so I figured hopefully I was just experiencing some form of deja vu.

Fast forward to 2017 and I introduce an extremely shortened version of the song that riff goes to to my band, and we make a full fledged song out of it.

Fast forward to 2018, and our singer leaves the band and we get a new singer. Our new singer is a Dio fanatic and he is quick to point out my riff reminds him of Dio's Holy Diver. For the longest time I couldn't hear it. But then one day, it hit me. The tail ends of my riff are basically the tail ends of the Holy Diver riff, only in reverse order. How about that, I thought. Because that wasn't even the part(s) of the riff I was having deja vu over.

Fast forward to 2019, and the band breaks up. A month later, the entire last line-up of that band minus the one problem member forms a new band. I bring the original very elongated version of that song I wrote to this band, ditching the lyrics, drums, bass, vocal melodies, and structure of the version with our previous band. We've been working on recording on it for a long time, and we have made a lot of progress. And my bandmates have had tremendous inputs of their own that has made this song better than I could have imagined.

Fast forward to literally yesterday, and it FINALLY after all these god damn years I figured out what caused the deja vu: The verse riff to Judas Priest's Stained Class. So basically that whole riff I thought I wrote that I fell in love with and was immensely proud of is just ripping off Judas Priest + Holy Diver with virtually none of my own thought, and this realization only came yesterday after so many years of having written it and creating a giant epic (what I thought was) masterpiece of a song around it. 

*sad faise*

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Interesting.  That kind of musical motif pops up occasionally in music meant to elicit a traditional dance or religious ceremony, as Benoit is clearly trying to do here.  It seems to represent the ritualistic and somewhat cyclical nature of the progression:  dancer moves in one direction then turns around and goes back, then repeats.  Big bands utilize repetition in a similar way owing to the fact they came into existence as dance bands, but the patterns that seem to be common in anime big band scores also elicit a similar precise pattern more indicative of ritual dance.  In this specific case, it might be indicative of Lupin's "dance" specifically with Zenegata or, more generally, with his "dance" with mainstream society in general.

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