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1 hour ago, Poof said:

Why consoles are better:

  1. PCs are pay to win since you may best somebody bc you out resolution/fps/draw distancing them/etc. I know this difference is blurring nowadays with different console editions, elite/pro controllers, different tv resolutions, sound whoring setups, games allowing console players to use mice+keyboard. I don't like it. I prefer everyone on the same level hardware playing field even if it means I can't use a supercomputer
  2. way more software fails on PC.. On console I spend much less time having to tinker around to fix some operating system problem or incompatibility.. w/console "everything just works" which is a plus
  3. it's easier to cheat on PC/more cheaters online
  4. console developers know what hardware they're going to be working with and so can most efficiently design
  5. there are more jocks on xbox :P

All online games are garbage, so there's a hole in all of your points, there. Single player ftw

  • Like 1
5 hours ago, Lasty said:

All online games are garbage, so there's a hole in all of your points, there. Single player ftw

or maybe they're full of cheaters bc you're on pc :P

3 hours ago, Seight said:

Iowa has:

  • Corn
  • The World's Largest Truck Stop
  • Multiple convenience stores that will sell you pizza
  • Chicago adjacency
  • CORN 

I do I expect to contract the corn virus and become a husk

  • Like 2
8 hours ago, Lasty said:

xbox peeps are the snobs... bunch of jocks who throw their money away for the same Halo and sports games over and over again with new paint. They have no leg to stand on and swear xbox is the best. PC, on the other hand, is objectively, inherently superior with as many legs to stand on as a centipede.

I will forever fight you on all Halo games being the same. 

33 minutes ago, Poof said:

or maybe they're full of cheaters bc you're on pc :P

No, I've played both. Cheaters or not doesn't matter much when people are just dicks out to ruin your experience however they can. They don't have to cheat to be that way.

1 minute ago, GunStarHero said:

I will forever fight you on all Halo games being the same. 

Have fun being wrong talking to yourself in a corner.

Just now, Lasty said:

Have fun being wrong talking to yourself in a corner.

You have no argument nor can you even reply with something fun. You're more lame than Halo. 

4 minutes ago, GunStarHero said:

You have no argument nor can you even reply with something fun. You're more lame than Halo. 

Sure, whatever you say. You're a loser troll & I'm not biting ;3

12 minutes ago, Lasty said:

No, I've played both. Cheaters or not doesn't matter much when people are just dicks out to ruin your experience however they can. They don't have to cheat to be that way.

Yea when I play solo I tend to only play online games that let you avoid fun-ruining for the most part. When I have someone else to play with I'll play anything since it helps to have someone there with you to defend against that type of thing or joke around about it at least. And when it comes to random people talking shit on mic, easy mute / easy block. I'll only talk or group up with randoms if they seem genuine. Although sometimes I still get betrayed then easy mute easy block

3 minutes ago, Poof said:

Yea when I play solo I tend to only play online games that let you avoid fun-ruining for the most part. When I have someone else to play with I'll play anything since it helps to have someone there with you to defend against that type of thing or joke around about it at least. And when it comes to random people talking shit on mic, easy mute / easy block. I'll only talk or group up with randoms if they seem genuine. Although sometimes I still get betrayed then easy mute easy block

I tend to play online with people I know from somewhere when I do play online... It's why I bought Fallout 76... God that game is a buggy mess. "Sir, shouldn't we finish this game before releasing it?" "NO, MONEY NAO" :|

3 minutes ago, Lasty said:

I tend to play online with people I know from somewhere when I do play online... It's why I bought Fallout 76... God that game is a buggy mess. "Sir, shouldn't we finish this game before releasing it?" "NO, MONEY NAO" :|

when was the last time you played it? I was recently watching some ppl on twitch play 76 and it looks a bit better now after updates. I was thinking of getting it

Just now, Poof said:

when was the last time you played it? I was recently watching some ppl on twitch play 76 and it looks a bit better now after updates. I was thinking of getting it

Like, a few weeks ago. I first started playing after the Wastelanders update. My experience: buggy still. I can see how it would have totally blown without npcs and the quests they give. Right now I'd say 6.8 / 10 almost a good game. Appalachia was not the best choice for locale, or that might be a 7.8... Fallout with Hicks? booo

  • Like 1
1 minute ago, Lasty said:

Like, a few weeks ago. I first started playing after the Wastelanders update. My experience: buggy still. I can see how it would have totally blown without npcs and the quests they give. Right now I'd say 6.8 / 10 almost a good game. Appalachia was not the best choice for locale, or that might be a 7.8... Fallout with Hicks? booo

The lamest part is when you go to claim a workshop, hold it for five minutes and get reamed by someone 100 levels higher than you, like, fps skill is not a contributing factor at all in this game.

  • Like 1
3 hours ago, Lasty said:

Like, a few weeks ago. I first started playing after the Wastelanders update. My experience: buggy still. I can see how it would have totally blown without npcs and the quests they give. Right now I'd say 6.8 / 10 almost a good game. Appalachia was not the best choice for locale, or that might be a 7.8... Fallout with Hicks? booo

3 hours ago, Lasty said:

The lamest part is when you go to claim a workshop, hold it for five minutes and get reamed by someone 100 levels higher than you, like, fps skill is not a contributing factor at all in this game.

that sounds exactly as I expected it to be tbh. I was extremely skeptical of them turning fallout into an online game. Single player rpg fallout so good. I just knew it would be a rocky road translating that to online esp w/pvp


18 hours ago, Poof said:

that sounds exactly as I expected it to be tbh. I was extremely skeptical of them turning fallout into an online game. Single player rpg fallout so good. I just knew it would be a rocky road translating that to online esp w/pvp


It would be better if they made it so gun damage is equally lethal regardless of your level; character level should only effect accuracy, maneuverability and, well, anything not related to damage, at least to other players. It gets old when you need to hold the converted ammo workshop and have to keep logging in to new worlds until you find one without a higher level player who wants it, or just to be a dick.

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