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On the plane the girl sitting next to me cuddled with me

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39 minutes ago, Naraku4656 said:

was she cute

Yea. She was. I didn't really know in the moment tho bc she had her jacket over her head. I had my hoody over my face too because for some reasonthe guy next to us had his light on just to browse his phone wtf??


Now that I'm more bored again I want to elaborate how this happened so none of you guys just go cuddling ppl randomly. Like previously stated she had her jacket completely off and over her head like just draped over herself. I had my hoody pulled down over my face so neither of us were looking at each other and both trying to sleep. I had window seat she was in the middle, and the annoying dude w/his reading light on(just to browse phone???) was aisle seat.

It started w/the arm rest. She was using it. Then I was actually really frustrated since I go stir crazy being confined to the 2 by 2.5 foot space youre given on coach flights. So out frustration I kinda just started using the arm restĀ too. Then there was turbulence and our arms were getting knocked into each other. After the turbulence was over we just left them touching.

Then she kinda pushed her arm into mine w/alil bit of shoulder in the movement as well. I assumed it wasĀ a challenge for the armrest moreĀ than anything else. This whole thing couldve actually been completelyĀ adversarial. Like "oh yea bitch? how far are you going to goĀ for this arm rest? I will put my body on you before I give up"

So after she did that I paused then pushed back against her just alil more forcefully than she had. Then we just sat like that arms and shoulders against each other. Then after like 5-10 minutes she started nodding off but I think it was just a show for what she did next which was lay her head on my shoulder. So I laid my head on hers like right away after just a moment. Bc I wanted her to know that I knew what we were doing and I didn't need to fake falling asleep.

After that we just kinda stayed like that alil shifting to get more comfortable. Which was actually the most intense part bc it's like admitting yea we're cuddling now lemme get comfy on you.

It all ended when the pilot made the announcement that we were beginning our descent. We separated instantly. And she took her jacket off her head and started using her phone. I just looked out the window, watched the landing, and kept listening to my music. We didn't look at each other or say anything.

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2 hours ago, Naraku4656 said:

My next flight I'm in a row by myself so I guess I could cuddle myself

Lay down across the seats

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