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there was a mistake in last night's Dragonballz Kai tfc

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apperently Funimation had brought in Team Four Star to record over the Cell battle re-enactment scene but the version Toonami aired had the original audio



I just listened to it and while I love TeamFourStar I genuinely enjoyed the older dub more. Ditto with this scene I only heard the Kai version of yesterday:


Like, I know the original Buu dub had plenty of bad shit like Killa, but are we really gonna pretend Eric Vale sounded better there than here:

Why does he feel the need to scream everything in the Kai clip? And with no inflection besides go fast! Hell even the "Goku baby" part while a bit corny was more charming and genuine feeling than motor mouth. Vegeta and possibly Gohan I'll give ya, but the Announcer certainly sounded better in Z. I'd put Krillin and Goku as pretty much the same in both and Piccolo's a mix. I like "We'll Try" and the inflection better than "We'll see." but the voice was better in the latter.


Eh, dunno why I bother I'll literally be the only one who feels that way, and it's my own fault for watching any Kai at all. God help me if I ever hear Babidi in Kai. His dialogue was perfection in Z, still have tons of it memorized.


Apparently we can thank Toei for ruining the party and forcing to remove the TFS version at the last minute.


Sabat also confirmed that thanks to the cease & desist notice, the TFS version will not be on the Blu-ray either.

dammit Toei

Apparently we can thank Toei for ruining the party and forcing to remove the TFS version at the last minute.


Sabat also confirmed that thanks to the cease & desist notice, the TFS version will not be on the Blu-ray either.


Well that sucks. But the Internet is TFS's home, so it's only natural that it stay there.


Besides, as disappointing as the alternative was in the heat of things, combining the original DBZ version of the Cell Games reenactment with the Kai-dubbed commentary makes for an interesting experience.


Apparently we can thank Toei for ruining the party and forcing to remove the TFS version at the last minute.


Sabat also confirmed that thanks to the cease & desist notice, the TFS version will not be on the Blu-ray either.


Is there a link to this? I don't see anything on Sabat's twitter and no one on Kanzenshuu has said anything about this.


I was confused about that! I heard TFS recorded it but it wasn't the version that aired.  Good to have that cleared up, and it's AWESOME that Funimation appreciates injokes to cast them!  TFS members are legit voice actors in general now anyway.

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