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in other news Steven Universe continues it's free-fall into the toilet

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Cartoon network published a bunch of fake Screenshots of this Gemstone tumblr_olur43aoDg1sxhdxso1_540.png

saying a new character was being revealed


turns out it was a filler episode about Renaldo, the greasy ugly racist Boy that tried to Kill lars and Steven multiple times


this time he decided he was a gem and was going to join their team whether they liked it or not and Steven had to force him to go back home, and as usual Renaldo learned nothing and continues to be a human bag of vomit


Are you saying the show is getting bad? I thought it was your favorite.




That honor goes to Star VS The Forces of Evil.


Another cartoon aimed at the 8 - 14 year old female demographic, so I can see where your confusion stems from.


Are you saying the show is getting bad? I thought it was your favorite.

**sigh**......it used to be S: and its been getting bad since mid season 3

Why was steven dressed in drag after coming from outer space?


Because the shows creators are pedophiles with vested interests in confusing young, impressionable children about their sexuality through the guise of a cartoon show.


Because the shows creators are pedophiles with vested interests in confusing young, impressionable children about their sexuality through the guise of a cartoon show.


My daughter and i couldn't stop laughing. She barely watches it anymore tho


It's just a cartoon, guy.

still....I dunno why CN thinks we need so many episodes with a literally revolting character....and one who's literally completely unnecessary to the story

Cartoon network published a bunch of fake Screenshots of this Gemstone tumblr_olur43aoDg1sxhdxso1_540.png

saying a new character was being revealed


turns out it was a filler episode about Renaldo, the greasy ugly racist Boy that tried to Kill lars and Steven multiple times


this time he decided he was a gem and was going to join their team whether they liked it or not and Steven had to force him to go back home, and as usual Renaldo learned nothing and continues to be a human bag of vomit


Steven Universe was always shit. Ronaldo is an obvious parody of conspiracy theorists (and skeptics in general) and more recently, Trump supporters. He was made to be super unlikable because Rebecca Sugar sucks at subtlety.


Steven Universe was always shit. Ronaldo is an obvious parody of conspiracy theorists (and skeptics in general) and more recently, Trump supporters. He was made to be super unlikable because Rebecca Sugar sucks at subtlety.

actually Steven's racist uncle was more of a commentary about Trump supporters......but you're actually pretty much correct

We get it naraku...you can't get fucked in the ass by vegeta so you take out your frustrations on a cartoon about a young boy and aliens ....great job....honestly just go back to whatever you call a kitchen and sulk some more


You agreed with me. What are you some kinda neo-nazi Trump supporter?

I still don't agree with your opinions about Trump and Hilary, clam your tits Atomsk, I agree'd with you about a bad cartoon

We get it naraku...you can't get fucked in the ass by vegeta so you take out your frustrations on a cartoon about a young boy and aliens ....great job....honestly just go back to whatever you call a kitchen and sulk some more

hah?... -_'

Imo it isn't, they show continues to do fine I like these new episodes, yeah they are not entertaining as other eps but not everything needs to be good you always get those filler eps in SU


Imo it isn't, they show continues to do fine I like these new episodes, yeah they are not entertaining as other eps but not everything needs to be good you always get those filler eps in SU

it's not that


in the first two seasons the filler episodes with the humans were still vaguely connected to the plot (like the one where steven finds Peridot's ship) in the last two seasons they are literal filler that has no place in canon


not to mention Renaldo should not exist, in a real life setting he'd have gone to jail for attempted murder after his first episode

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