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I can't believe it's been 8 years since Sonic Unleashed came out already

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i dont think it was as bad as zeni says but the game isnt great.

however i would mark it the turning point to when sega started getting 3d sonic right.


at least the music has always been great.

the game was a step towards redeeming the Sonic Franchise


the werehog levels were Bad but it was the first game to use the partial side-scrolling that most of the modern sonic games use now (like Colors and Generations)


so I can't be a typical sonic "fan" and say it was a totally bad game


I am convinced if the Werehog was just replaced with Knuckles (with said story adjustments) the game's rep would've been way higher.

that was the original plan


the game was originally going to have Tails, Knuckles and Shadow as playables, but then the vocal and unpleasable fanbase said they wanted it to be a "Sonic only" title, so Sega removed Knuckles model and converted all the unfinished gameplay that they had developed for him into the "werehog"


the games Original title was gonna be Sonic "world Adventure"(and still was in Japan) meaning it was basically originally Sonic Adventure 3


You act like Sonic Unleashed was some kind of groundbreaking game. It was below average at best and one of the worst Sonic games.


It's not one of the worst, but that more says how bad some other Sonic games are.




Never played it, the last sonic game I had was sonic adventure 2 and in all honesty from what I've heard of sonic games since I didn't miss much.


The irony is when I was much younger I considered myself a hardcore sonic fanboy, had most of the genesis games, all of the dreamcast ones, and even owned a few portable consoles for sonic exclusives. But I grew out of it, xbox helped, pc gaming really helped. at this point most of what I play are bethesda rpg's and strategy games.


for example today I played crusader kings 2, europa universalis 4, and skyrim in that order. Thought about picking morrowind up again but haven't gotten around to it, it was my first bethesda game.


Just to be clear, if sega managed to produce a sonic game that has good reviews and a sonic adventure feel to it, I'd probably buy it, but I'm not holding my breath.


Also sonic the hedgehog 3 was the first video game I ever played and to this day I have yet to collect all 7 chaos emeralds in it, those blue sphere levels drove me quite mad, its a wonder my genesis still works given how many times I beat the thing in frustration. They made consoles tough back in those days.

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