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1 minute ago, StarPanda said:

Less vs bone dude was freaking great 

People forget that fight 

When Drunken lee  and the others were still relevant!

now they're all behind in strength compared to naruto and sasuke

but yeah bone dude was great!


I watched the shows I missed while I was at the family get away at the middle-of-nowhere riverside Texas hill country cabin earlier in the week, just now getting around to posting my thoughts on them, which I wrote down after watching each episode.

And now we reach the point where Naruto's story took a shitty direction.  Sasuke isn't brought back in this arc or even one or two after this, and this is an issue for the whooooole rest of the series.  And Sasuke is unsympathetic and his friendship with Naruto poorly built up so the whole concept falls flat on its face.

I actually thought that Choji was going to die here.

I also thought that these four would be in the show for a long time, but they didn't last long at all.

Why is it Kimimaro instead if Kimimaru?

Amazing all the VAs that came back.  And Kimimaro's was so great.

I remember being relieved that Naruto and Sasuke didn't break these awesome statues during their fight.

I'm not generally a big fan of rap, but this was a good song and video.


Oh my god still the stupidest fucking thing ever! :D

If they keep saying they're best friends that means they were, despite how things were actually shown.

"This is the first time I ever had a bond like this."  That sounded gay.

Sasuke looks so stupid in this form.

That's right.  I guess Sasuke doesn't kill Naruto here because he doesn't want to do it Itachi's way.

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