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*grabs arm* Don't turn your back on me...


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Have you ever lost your train of thought and stared blankly at the people in front of you causing them to turn around and leave? It's a lonely feeling. Without liquid courage, you can't move ahead of them and collect them until you remember what you were going to say because you end up feeling kinda down and just want to go to Jimmy John's and get a slim 1.

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You know, I have seen this affliction before.

It's an offshoot, to be sure, but all the markers are there.

Yep, what we have here is Diarrhea of the Mouth and Constipation of the Brain.

It's the worst case I've ever seen, but the cure remains the same... shut the fuck up.




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You know, I have seen this affliction before.

It's an offshoot, to be sure, but all the markers are there.

Yep, what we have here is Diarrhea of the Mouth and Constipation of the Brain.

It's the worst case I've ever seen, but the cure remains the same... shut the fuck up.




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