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So South Park Season 20 has returned

Killa Ounze

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I actually don't like this season as much.


Season 18 (the Washington Redskins one) introduced their new strategy of an over-arcing story throughout the whole season.  But it was a very loose connection, throughout the season.  Most of the season merely referenced previous episodes briefly.


Season 19 tightened the reins.  While they had episodes that were more "one-shot" in nature, they fitted into the whole better than season 18.  And only in the last 3-4 episodes did it concentrate and very tightly follow the main story. 


Season 20 is just the one main story and nothing else. 


I think season 19 was the equilibrium that worked best.  A perfect balance of "stand alone" episodes mixed with "complex" ones. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Season finale titled "The End Of Serialization As We Know It"


Thank the Lord. This continuity thing was a fun experiment, but it's time for South Park to return to being South Park.


I don't think it was an experiment.  They've been doing it for three seasons now.  And the first two seasons of it were great.  This one, not quite as much.



And it doesn't look like it's over.  The last we see of Garrison is him sitting down in the Oval Office with an army of Member Berries standing at attention. 


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I don't think it was an experiment.  They've been doing it for three seasons now.  And the first two seasons of it were great.  This one, not quite as much.



And it doesn't look like it's over.  The last we see of Garrison is him sitting down in the Oval Office with an army of Member Berries standing at attention. 



So Garrison would just be president for however the fuck long. They didn't need serialization in order to have Garrison as a woman for several seasons.

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I think they shot themsleves in the foot for trying to plan out a serial story during an election where results can go anywhere. Whereas past seasons could be written to quickly tackle current trends in one-off stories, you can tell the story was probably written to its fullest with a Clinton victory in mind. Now that they are in a position where they have to write Mr. Garrison as the winner, they probably had to rewrite many of the episodes at breakneck speed to place Mr. Garrison in the front lines of the member berries plot line. I'd imagine they'd want to avoid having to deal with that kind of situation again where current events force them to scramble together a new storyline to replace the one they spent months working through. If anything, they could have the member berries ultimate goal be to return South Park to how it used to be with one-off episodes and old characters.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Someone on 4chan suggested they make the episodes they intended on making with a Hillary victory in mind and see if they fare better in quality than what we got. It'd be a neat DVD bonus, that's for sure.


They'd only get to rewrite one.  The episode that immediately proceeded the election.  They changed a few things.  The title went from  "The First Gentleman" to "Oh Jeez".

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