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never had to take care of an animal by myself. The closest thing ive had was a dog i shared with my sister for a year and then she moved and took her with her.


I'd definitely get a rescue, but I've got some reservations and i need your guyses advice cause i KNOW yous gots cats,  people.


Im worried about not being home enough ( being gone to work/school/gym) and then feeling guilty aboiut not being at home. I have a studio and i don't want it to go outside for a while, at least until it gets used to me and my house.

But what if it tears up the place? what if it doesnt use the litterbox and poops on my synth? What if it's passive aggressive and i want to break up?


any general pet advice would be nice as well kthxbye



what if it doesnt use the litterbox and poops on my synth?


Dude, when I briefly lived in an apartment by myself, I wanted to get a cat, but I didn't for EXACTLY this reason. What if it goes to the bathroom on all my guitar gear??


Now I'm back with my parents, and we have an outdoor cat. I really wish my parents would try to make her an indoor cat so I could hang out with her more.  :'(


[glow=black,2,300]being home alone when youre at work depends on the personality of the cat....my cat couldnt care less...she just sleeps all day...as for not tearing up yo shit? make sure they have plenty of mental engagement...like puzzle treat toys, lots of things they can climb and scratch, ect.... basically dont get a cat unless youre gonna do it right....i bought a $300 cat tree and she hasnt gone back to scratching furniture since[/glow]


[glow=black,2,300]being home alone when youre at work depends on the personality of the cat....my cat couldnt care less...she just sleeps all day...as for not tearing up yo shit? make sure they have plenty of mental engagement...like puzzle treat toys, lots of things they can climb and scratch, ect.... basically dont get a cat unless youre gonna do it right....i bought a $300 cat tree and she hasnt gone back to scratching furniture since[/glow]

idk about 300 dollars for a cat tree but maybe something similar i could build myself :D


[glow=black,2,300]whatever floats ya man....just make it a happy home to spoil your new baby....side note...i found mine in a dumpster[/glow]






and thats awesome, my neighbor's cat was a dumppster cat and he is super nice and cool.


Time to go dumpster diving??


Cats are easy. Pay them a bit of attention now and again, give them water every day and food, once a week or so maybe wash their dishes so bacteria doesn't build up.


Oh and change the litter box every other day if you have just one for maximum efficiency, otherwise some people do it as soon as they see it's used, the litter box unless they poo all over it should only be washed once every month or two.

(and with one cat you can let litter slide about 5 days before they poop in your bed instead)


Cats are easy. Pay them a bit of attention now and again, give them water every day and food, once a week or so maybe wash their dishes so bacteria doesn't build up.


Oh and change the litter box every other day if you have just one for maximum efficiency, otherwise some people do it as soon as they see it's used, the litter box unless they poo all over it should only be washed once every month or two.

(and with one cat you can let litter slide about 5 days before they poop in your bed instead)

duly noted and thank you :) :)


duly noted and thank you :) :)


I've raised a ton of cats, and worked at the local no kill humane society taking care of them, and mentally rehabilitating strays and kitties with just bad attitudes.


as a person who owns a cat since a tiny kitten and lives all by myself in a 1 bedroom apt. i can give u advice and tell u about my experience if that helps.


so i got kino when he was a tiny kitten (srsly i dont even think he was quite 8wks? close to it prolly 5 or 6)

i didnt know how old he was, or what he looked like before getting him. i just know he was a kitten.

my bfs boss from his old job, her daughter found a litter of kittens by the hs the live near. so they took em in and took em to the vets and she offered to give one of em to paul.

i was hesitant but i couldnt resist so i gave in and got a kitty.


i live alone and i work up to 8hrs a day so ive left him alone since he was a kitten about that much.

the first night i got him paul brought him back with him from his work (he worked outta town) but i was still at work for 2 more hrs.

so rly poor kitty was in his carrier for 2 hrs! as soon as i got home i let him out and let him wander around lol and gave him a bit of food and water.

i dint have time to get him a litter box or litter bc it was uper late and everything was closed. so yeah, the first night he did go to the bathroom in a corner on my rug.

since he was tiny a regular sized litter box was too big for him. evnetually i found at lemapets. or something like that...

but honestly when i couldnt get him one i got an empy shoe box, cheap litter, cut off one side and poured it in the corner he went and he used it!4


kino has peed a couple times outside his litter box, and once went poop in the bathtub >_<! buuut thats usually bc i went a little too long without cleaning his litter box >_>

but as long as iv kept it clean hes always used it. even as a little kitten. i have heard though that some cats do pee as a way to mix their scent with urs? so if theres something you use often, or a place ur always at they might im not sure. also cats might pee due to nervousness. i dont think ive had that problem. but if you arent sure, keep whatever u dont want peed on away from the cat a couple days.


as far as leaving the cat alone for a while, cats are pretty independent and more ok being alone then i think dogs are. also theyll learn to adust as well.

when i first got kino i had a couple days off so i was able to spend sometime but after that i had a full 8 hr shift. but i made sure that when i did get home to spend time with him.

so as long as you play and spend some time with your cat hell be ok.


also since ur getting a rescue itll most likely be litter box trained. and if u get an adult cat you can find out more about what kind of personalities they have and which one fits ur needs. be sure and tell the shelter or whoever u adopt from exactly what you want in a cat, and they can help match u up with one thats.....puuurrrfect for you (what? u know ihad to slip in a cat pun :P)


ive done ok with kino given my situation, im not even allowed to have him either so ive had to keep him a secret (tho the owner found out about it eventually and threw a fit but oh well...)



so good luck kitties are pretty easy to take care! make sure and feed them and give em water and love them <333


lol i like how you say you know we have cats.

as if this board is full of crazy cat ladies  ;D ;D ;D


its not????

damn i must be on the wrong forum.

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