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spookiest things you've ever seen/encountered

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back in december i was picking someone up from the airport and i swear to god i saw a huge ass red circle in the sky

this thing looked impossible big.


i used to hear my bed creaking and like footsteps too when im the only one in the house, but i would just ignore it cause fuck that

thankfully it stopped though.


I remember when I was going upstairs in my grandma's house and I heard a door in the upstairs hallway shut by itself. That was freaky.

Or the time I was in the theater auditorium at school and someone/thing started banging on the grid 50 feet up. Everyone there was accounted for. That was freaky.

Or the time I saw a bunch of red lights in the sky doing crazy shit like splitting apart and doing 360s and stopping on a dime and reversing and I flipped shit at that one too.


I remember when I was going upstairs in my grandma's house and I heard a door in the upstairs hallway shut by itself. That was freaky.

Or the time I was in the theater auditorium at school and someone/thing started banging on the grid 50 feet up. Everyone there was accounted for. That was freaky.

Or the time I saw a bunch of red lights in the sky doing crazy shit like splitting apart and doing 360s and stopping on a dime and reversing and I flipped shit at that one too.

i was staying with an aunt in chicago one year and idk why but it was waaaaaaaayyyy darker at night or so it seemed over there, but it was the first time i'd ever been in a house that was more than one floor

i was sweating my ass off having to go upstairs or downstairs at night

i can't imagine actually ever having a house that's more than 2 rooms, and even that creeps me out  :|



Everyone who believed in that kind of thing and even some people who didn't at first said that one of the longtime professors that got that theater program off the ground was the one who hung out in the catwalks and grid. You'd hear noises in there every now and then, footsteps, creaks, just stuff that shouldn't be going on in an empty building. A couple times I had my shirt tugged on. Pretty innocuous, really.


Another guy got a chair thrown at him in the shop but I wasn't there to see it so I had to take his word for it.


In 2015 on 4 separate occasions I've seen these red orbs flying through the summer night sky.  One came really close to my house, I'd say about 1000-2000 feets it made this strange whiisssshing sound like crackling fire.   


In 2015 on 4 separate occasions I've seen these red orbs flying through the summer night sky.  One came really close to my house, I'd say about 1000-2000 feets it made this strange whiisssshing sound like crackling fire. 

the places ive tried reading about them are all kinda too conspiracy theory for me


i was staying with an aunt in chicago one year and idk why but it was waaaaaaaayyyy darker at night or so it seemed over there, but it was the first time i'd ever been in a house that was more than one floor

i was sweating my ass off having to go upstairs or downstairs at night

i can't imagine actually ever having a house that's more than 2 rooms, and even that creeps me out  :|



Grandma's house was just really freaky for the first year or two after she moved in. The upstairs never lost that really creepy eyes in the back of your head feeling.

Three of my cousins lived there at different times and all of them have at least one story about freaky ghost stuff, like seeing a man in a brown suit standing on the balcony and disappearing, or finding the toilet lid up after they put it down the night before and they being the only one upstairs.


I'd say they are about the size of a large beach ball. Who knows its hard to tell distance at night.


There are alot of red orbs and similar strange ufo spottings all over the internet.


This happened back when I was about 6-years-old, but I was at home sleeping. We were all packed into the upstairs area and I was in the spare bedroom which had no door at the time. Hurricane Opal had just passed through the area and there had been quite a bit of damage to the house so there was this awful aroma throughout almost the entire house. Made it hard to sleep. So while I'm tossing and turning in the night, I hear someone walking around and I sit up to see who it is.


And out of the darkness came this silhouette I didn't recognize and I just felt this aura approaching me. Practically petrified at this point and the figure stops in front of my bed, my nightlight and the blinking alarm clock slightly illuminating them. I vividly remember this moment because they did not appear to be human, but humanoid and they wore this solid brown uniform with small, black tubes on the shoulders, triangular black stripes down the side of their vest and a small black belt. Their face was circular in shape but had these large black diamond eyes that twinkled with lifelessness, and there was also what appeared to be a breathing apparatus resting below their eyes.


They didn't move and I couldn't move. Their head turned down to me and they stoically said "Sleeeeep, chiiiiild," before turning back and disappearing back into the darkness.


I was internally fucking losing it at this point. So I grabbed my stuffed animal and blanket and slipped into the hallway behind them and into my parents room and quietly shut the door, then dove in between mom and dad just quietly freaking out. They woke up and asked what happened and I said someone was in the house. Dad grabs his gun and checks inside and outside the house for awhile and finds nothing. He comes back and says I had a nightmare only to be interrupted by the downstairs door slamming shut. He runs back down there and finds nothing.


Next day we upgraded our home security.


This happened back when I was about 6-years-old, but I was at home sleeping. We were all packed into the upstairs area and I was in the spare bedroom which had no door at the time. Hurricane Opal had just passed through the area and there had been quite a bit of damage to the house so there was this awful aroma throughout almost the entire house. Made it hard to sleep. So while I'm tossing and turning in the night, I hear someone walking around and I sit up to see who it is.


And out of the darkness came this silhouette I didn't recognize and I just felt this aura approaching me. Practically petrified at this point and the figure stops in front of my bed, my nightlight and the blinking alarm clock slightly illuminating them. I vividly remember this moment because they did not appear to be human, but humanoid and they wore this solid brown uniform with small, black tubes on the shoulders, triangular black stripes down the side of their vest and a small black belt. Their face was circular in shape but had these large black diamond eyes that twinkled with lifelessness, and there was also what appeared to be a breathing apparatus resting below their eyes.


They didn't move and I couldn't move. Their head turned down to me and they stoically said "Sleeeeep, chiiiiild," before turning back and disappearing back into the darkness.


I was internally fucking losing it at this point. So I grabbed my stuffed animal and blanket and slipped into the hallway behind them and into my parents room and quietly shut the door, then dove in between mom and dad just quietly freaking out. They woke up and asked what happened and I said someone was in the house. Dad grabs his gun and checks inside and outside the house for awhile and finds nothing. He comes back and says I had a nightmare only to be interrupted by the downstairs door slamming shut. He runs back down there and finds nothing.


Next day we upgraded our home security.


Has this happen to me. Its a night terror, you weren't "awake" you were in a half awake, half asleep trance like state. I asked my shaodow what it wanted. And it said "fear". But it sounded like "feeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrr" like it was the wind talking. Craziest shit I've ever seen.


This happened back when I was about 6-years-old, but I was at home sleeping. We were all packed into the upstairs area and I was in the spare bedroom which had no door at the time. Hurricane Opal had just passed through the area and there had been quite a bit of damage to the house so there was this awful aroma throughout almost the entire house. Made it hard to sleep. So while I'm tossing and turning in the night, I hear someone walking around and I sit up to see who it is.


And out of the darkness came this silhouette I didn't recognize and I just felt this aura approaching me. Practically petrified at this point and the figure stops in front of my bed, my nightlight and the blinking alarm clock slightly illuminating them. I vividly remember this moment because they did not appear to be human, but humanoid and they wore this solid brown uniform with small, black tubes on the shoulders, triangular black stripes down the side of their vest and a small black belt. Their face was circular in shape but had these large black diamond eyes that twinkled with lifelessness, and there was also what appeared to be a breathing apparatus resting below their eyes.


They didn't move and I couldn't move. Their head turned down to me and they stoically said "Sleeeeep, chiiiiild," before turning back and disappearing back into the darkness.


I was internally fucking losing it at this point. So I grabbed my stuffed animal and blanket and slipped into the hallway behind them and into my parents room and quietly shut the door, then dove in between mom and dad just quietly freaking out. They woke up and asked what happened and I said someone was in the house. Dad grabs his gun and checks inside and outside the house for awhile and finds nothing. He comes back and says I had a nightmare only to be interrupted by the downstairs door slamming shut. He runs back down there and finds nothing.


Next day we upgraded our home security.


Jesus Christ


I've never had any kind of supernatural encounter. We even went and ate mushrooms in this cabin in the woods where this girl was chopped up. Like when they found the dude he had pieces and organs of her in the trunk of his car. So the place was supposed to be haunted. It was freaky but just a normal trip. I'm jealous of people who see stuff, if they really see stuff.


Part of it's how sensitive you are to that kind of stuff but the bigger thing is being in the right place at the right time.

It's likely that cabin wasn't haunted at all, even though someone died there.


Has this happen to me. Its a night terror, you weren't "awake" you were in a half awake, half asleep trance like state. I asked my shaodow what it wanted. And it said "fear". But it sounded like "feeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrr" like it was the wind talking. Craziest shit I've ever seen.


You might be right, but we did indeed upgrade the home security the next day. Maybe just a coincidence.


Lemme see, this past summer I was playing Pokemon Go in Provincetown, by MacMillan Pier and I was catching a Poliwag when out of no where

this black ink like substance started spilling in the background, I didn't know what the fuck was happening, I looked up and there was no cloud cover

and there was definitely enough street light.....totally freaked me out, I grabbed my boyfriend and booked it outta there.




At night I always hear tapping on my window or ruffling sounds in my closet. I hope to fucking god it's just some animal or creature that's nocturnal. I'd not like a ghost or demon present. It's been like a week now. It freaks me out

I asked the people here, but they don't hear it in their room, hm


It really didn't freak me out but in my fly apartment downtown ....  it apparently had a ghost dog in it. My sister said she woke up to a soft tapping against her arm like from a dog's tail. Then one of my friends would say they could always feel dog breath in their face when they slept over.

Then every so often I would be in bed and I would feel a little weight at the foot of my bed like someone/something sitting there. I never got any bad vibes so ...

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