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Polanski was convicted for statutory rape and fled the country to avoid imprisonment. He continues to make movies to this day.

His filmography includes Rosemary's Baby, Chinatown, The Pianist, Repulsion, and many others.


I remember it won awards or something, the Emmy's or whatever, but I've never seen it because it looked pretty damn weak. Who's gonna watch a movie about some dude playing a piano, that's some lame boy ish.


Might not be considered a celebrity, but Judith Barsi's death was fucking crazy. Despite being only 10-years-old, she was already an accomplished actress (one role you might recall her from is Ducky in The Land Before Time). Unfortunately, her father wasn't exactly a stable individual and, for whatever reason, her mother decided not to leave him even after he constantly threatened her, Judith, and warned he would kill them both and himself.


Sadly, he kept his word and executed Judith while she slept, then turning to his wife and murdering her. He spent the next couple days moping around the house, his family's bodies still resting where he killed them. Then he told his daughter's agent he would be moving out for good and proceeded to incinerate the bodies and walked into his garage and shot himself as well.


Shocking for society in general, some have already been mentioned, such as John Lennon and Sharon Tate. I would add Kurt Cobain to the list.


For me personally, Ronnie James Dio. We all knew he had stomach cancer, but from reports it sounded like the treatment was going well. Then he just up and died. Thank god Tony Iommi's treatment actually IS going well.


Sharon Tate, probably.

Of all time in the US, probably. 

Post Tate-LaBianca - John Belishi, John Lennon, and Princess Diana would be up there.

Last year only, I'd have to go with Keith Emerson's suicide, people didn't see it coming at all while there were some people who knew Bowie was very ill.

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