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homeless people have the stories you want to hear


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old dude...told me he was a vet....we sparked up a convo when I saw him chug out of a label-less brown liquor bottle...bought him lunch and he shared his booze while telling me his story...

main take away...he said "it's either booze or something else, I see it all the time, bandaids everywhere...just gotta remember to use just enough to stop the bleeding...look like an idiot with a bunch of unnecessary bandaids on ya"


Edited by Mix
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When I was homeless I always felt like a pariah to other homeless people. Hardly interacted at all. Where I am now there are quite a few homeless people. Some live in the sewers beneath The Strip. It can be bad for them when it rains/floods, though. There's a homeless man that comes into one of my casinos frequently for the buffet and he will stay as long as he can, of course, but treat us to one-sided conversations with his pillow that he carries at all times. He sometimes accuses said pillow of not comprehending the impending doom around it and tries to parlay with it, even going so far as to try and teach it things. 

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1 hour ago, GunStarHero said:

When I was homeless I always felt like a pariah to other homeless people. Hardly interacted at all. Where I am now there are quite a few homeless people. Some live in the sewers beneath The Strip. It can be bad for them when it rains/floods, though. There's a homeless man that comes into one of my casinos frequently for the buffet and he will stay as long as he can, of course, but treat us to one-sided conversations with his pillow that he carries at all times. He sometimes accuses said pillow of not comprehending the impending doom around it and tries to parlay with it, even going so far as to try and teach it things. 

Did Phillies leave his mom's basement?

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Nah, you got lucky.....It's really a crap shoot.

There a guy the lingers around the store by my house....I'll get him a drink if I'm going in the liquor store and he talks about working on cars and when he walked across 3 states or some shit....Nothing interesting but hell, what else does he have to do.....WTF else do I have to do if I'm going in the liquor store tbh.

There's another (well, several) at the other store across ton with the bomb chicken strips.....It's littered with nuts like the pillow talker.  Granted, that's also where a lot of the ice houses are so some of these dudes might just be high af

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12 hours ago, Mix said:

old dude...told me he was a vet....we sparked up a convo when I saw him chug out of a label-less brown liquor bottle...bought him lunch and he shared his booze while telling me his story...

main take away...he said "it's either booze or something else, I see it all the time, bandaids everywhere...just gotta remember to use just enough to stop the bleeding...look like an idiot with a bunch of unnecessary bandaids on ya"


Some of the homeless on the beach here late at night are fascinating people. I'd like to delve into that community because the community part that develops seems awesome, but I also like a window I can close and refrigerators.

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