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Woah, holy shit.

So does this mean they're going to do a marathon on the 30th and preempt Toonami for back-to-back weeks? Either way, something funky is gonna have to happen either then or on the 14th of July.

Posted (edited)

I'm not completely convinced that we won't get [as] and Toonami on July 7th by this news. Note that it says a DOUBLE NETWORK event BETWEEN CN and Boomerang. My theory is that CN will air the event during its normal hours, and Boomerang will air the event in the hours that the channel CN occupies is airing [as], while Boomerang airs its normal programming during the hours that CN is airing. But I could just as easily be proven wrong here.

We're gonna have to await official news to figure out what the hell is going on here. But I really hope CN isn't going to take over hours on the schedule that have belonged to [as] for 11 years or more now, because CN has devolved into absolute shit and that would be really, really weird!

Edited by OwlChemist81
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Posted (edited)
5 minutes ago, OwlChemist81 said:

I'm not completely convinced that we won't get [as] and Toonami on July 7th by this news. Note that it says a DOUBLE NETWORK event BETWEEN CN and Boomerang. My theory is that CN will air the event during its normal hours, and Boomerang will air the event in the hours that the channel CN occupies is airing [as], while Boomerang airs its normal programming during the hours that CN is airing. But I could just as easily be proven wrong here.


"Beginning Saturday, July 7 at 6 a.m. (ET/PT) through Sunday, July 8, all episodes will go into rotation for 48 hours in this can't-miss double network takeover event."

the lack of clarification probably means it's exactly that

Edited by korosu

But that still doesn't necessarily mean that BOTH networks will be taken over at the same time. In fact, that might be why Boomerang is involved; because to run this garbage for 48 hours, they CAN'T use their normal "A-channel" so they HAVE to take over the "B-channel". But I'm sure we'll get official confirmation on what the hell is happening here soon.

Just now, OwlChemist81 said:

But that still doesn't necessarily mean that BOTH networks will be taken over at the same time. In fact, that might be why Boomerang is involved; because to run this garbage for 48 hours, they CAN'T use their normal "A-channel" so they HAVE to take over the "B-channel". But I'm sure we'll get official confirmation on what the hell is happening here soon.

"For the first time ever, the series will take over Cartoon Network and Boomerang with all 20 episodes debuting back-to-back."


Yeah, but how LONG are those 20 episodes? WHY would they take 48 hours?? Something just isn't adding up here. If they're half hours, that would be 10 hours, so what the hell happens in the other 38? Maybe somehow the event is 12 hours, and contains 16 30-minute episodes, and 4 hour-long episodes. Then maybe it airs twice on CN and twice on Boomerang:

6 AM-6 PM 7/7 CN Round 1

6 PM-6 AM 7/7 Boom Round 2

6 AM-6 PM 7/8 AS Round 3

6 PM-6 AM 7/8 Boom Round 4

Yes, that leaves the 6 PM-7 PM hour, but maybe [as] is taking that too starting in the 2nd half of the year? We really don't know. But it's possible that the double-network takeover doesn't necessarily mean both networks at the same time.

44 minutes ago, OwlChemist81 said:

Yeah, but how LONG are those 20 episodes? WHY would they take 48 hours??


56 minutes ago, korosu said:

all episodes will go into rotation for 48 hours



That STILL doesn't mean anything definitive because it's ridiculously vague!

One theory is that CN is only "taken over" during its broadcast hours, while Boomerang is "taken over" for the entire 48 hours.


And likewise, there's nothing in there that suggests that it isn't either! Whole networks just aren't pre-empted whenever they share channel space! This would be ridiculously huge since nothing like it has happened for 11 years or more!


Boomerang is and always has been better than Cartoon Network and Adult Swim, but only when it plays good stuff like Wacky Races, Looney Tunes, Tom and Jerry Tales because Fosters, Codename: KND, and Ben 10 are bullshit.


Wow, I think this is the first time Toonami (marathon or not) is going to get preempted since it came back in 2012.  It's my hope that Toonami just won't run a 4th of July marathon, but we'll have to wait and see what happens.

1 minute ago, CaptainStarwind said:

Wow, I think this is the first time Toonami (marathon or not) is going to get preempted since it came back in 2012.  It's my hope that Toonami just won't run a 4th of July marathon, but we'll have to wait and see what happens.

Dude, Toonami's gonna get canceled. Hate to break it to you. Nobody's trying to watch My Hero Academia, JoJo, Hunter x Hunter, etc. You're gonna see the Toonami producers on Shark Tank asking Mark Cuban for millions of dollars, and he's gonna laugh.

  • Like 1
4 hours ago, Zenigundam said:

Dude, Toonami's gonna get canceled. Hate to break it to you. Nobody's trying to watch My Hero Academia, JoJo, Hunter x Hunter, etc. You're gonna see the Toonami producers on Shark Tank asking Mark Cuban for millions of dollars, and he's gonna laugh.

Eh, if it happens, then it happens.  I watch most of my anime online, anyway, so if Toonami does end up cancelled at some point then I'll just pick up wherever the shows left off online.

4 hours ago, Zenigundam said:

Dude, Toonami's gonna get canceled. Hate to break it to you. Nobody's trying to watch My Hero Academia, JoJo, Hunter x Hunter, etc. You're gonna see the Toonami producers on Shark Tank asking Mark Cuban for millions of dollars, and he's gonna laugh.

You're an idiot if you really believe this!

  • Like 1
4 hours ago, Zenigundam said:

Dude, Toonami's gonna get canceled. Hate to break it to you. Nobody's trying to watch My Hero Academia, JoJo, Hunter x Hunter, etc. You're gonna see the Toonami producers on Shark Tank asking Mark Cuban for millions of dollars, and he's gonna laugh.

They are.

Just not on Toonami.

7 hours ago, korosu said:

16 years

"48 hours, Saturday through Sunday" seems clear to me though

I get that, but let's look at it another way: CN doesn't EXIST between 8 PM and 6 AM. It spans 15 hours, enough time for 3 play-throughs of this weird new Summer Camp Island show (which will allegedly have 5 hours worth of episodes, 20 15-minute episodes) on each day. Wait, that's 14 hours--maybe it will reclaim 8 PM-9 PM for the weekend just to fit in that last hour. Meanwhile, Boomerang is a 24-hour network which can play it ad-nauseum round the clock for 48 hours (although that isn't a multiple of 5 so it begs the question of how exactly that will work).

I'm also not sure where you're getting 16 years. Adult Swim is almost 17 years old, that's true. But the last night that [as] didn't air on a FRIDAY night was 2007. On July 1, 2017, the first Friday night [as] broadcast happened (a Futurama marathon), and ever since, the network has been a 7-day a week network, then spanning 11 PM-6 AM, but gradually growing to its current 8 PM-6 AM nightly footprint.


And now I'm cynical again, so I want to make a comment about how Toonami fans used to discuss the actual shows rather than technical aspects of the schedule, even though that's blatantly false.

Seriously, does anyone find this sad? :|

Posted (edited)
24 minutes ago, OwlChemist81 said:

I'm also not sure where you're getting 16 years. Adult Swim is almost 17 years old, that's true. But the last night that [as] didn't air on a FRIDAY night was 2007. On July 6, 2007, the first Friday night [as] broadcast happened (a Family Guy marathon), and ever since, the network has been a 7-day a week network, then spanning 11 PM-6 AM, but gradually growing to its current 8 PM-6 AM nightly footprint.

they didn't have fridays so fridays weren't preempted.

in 2002 there was a june bugs marathon and a cartoon cartoon weekend summerfest marathon that preempted adult swim.

Edited by korosu
Posted (edited)

I never said anything about "pre-emption", only about "not airing nightly". Adult Swim has aired EACH AND EVERY NIGHT for almost 11 years. In fact, if this "No [as] 7/7 and 7/8" theory is true, then it will have aired nightly without interruption for exactly 11 years and one week (now that I remember more clearly, the first Futurama Friday marathon was actually on 7/6/2007. Before that, on 6/29, CN had Friday night, so that would be 11 years and 7 days from 6/30/07 to 7/6/18).

Also, why the hell did you change Futurama to Family Guy? I'm pretty sure the first Friday was a Futurama marathon, since they had the rights to it then. Not sure where you got the idea that they ran a Family Guy marathon then or ever, unless you count the limited Family Guy Star Wars which was mixed in with Robot Chicken Star Wars and Star Wars: The Clone Wars on February 4, 2012.

Edited by OwlChemist81
Posted (edited)
21 minutes ago, PokeNirvash said:

I find it pathetic, yes.

Sad and pathetic indeed if CN, which has had all the variety lately of a late 90's thrash metal band, is indeed encroaching on hours [as] fought hard against them to obtain once again. But I guess kids will stay up late on Saturday and Sunday nights in the summertime.

What does this mean for the big picture of Toonami? Well, let's explore some possibilities:


6/23: Block as it is now, DBZ Kai showcases its final episode

6/30: DBS; FLCL: Progressive Power Hour premiering episodes 5 & 6 back-to-back, MHA, JoJo, etc...

7/7: Toonami pre-empted for CN Summer Camp Island event

7/14: DBS, 2 NEW SHOWS IN THE 11 PM HOUR (AOTS3? & ???), MHA, JoJo, etc...


6/23: Block as it is now, DBZ Kai showcases its final episode

6/30: MARATHON NIGHT (I'm rooting for FLCL Progressive 1-4 followed by MHA episodes 1-7)

7/7: Toonami pre-empted for CN Summer Camp Island event

7/14: DBS; FLCL: Progressive Power Hour premiering episodes 5 & 6 back-to-back, MHA, JoJo, etc...

7/21: DBS, 2 NEW SHOWS IN THE 11 PM HOUR (AOTS3? & ???), MHA, JoJo, etc...

Edited by OwlChemist81
  • Like 1
8 minutes ago, OwlChemist81 said:

I never said anything about "pre-emption", only about "not airing nightly". Adult Swim has aired EACH AND EVERY NIGHT for almost 11 years. In fact, if this "No [as] 7/7 and 7/8" theory is true, then it will have aired nightly without interruption for exactly 11 years and one week (now that I remember more clearly, the first Futurama Friday marathon was actually on 7/6/2007. Before that, on 6/29, CN had Friday night, so that would be 11 years and 7 days from 6/30/07 to 7/6/18).

Also, why the hell did you change Futurama to Family Guy? I'm pretty sure the first Friday was a Futurama marathon, since they had the rights to it then. Not sure where you got the idea that they ran a Family Guy marathon then or ever, unless you count the limited Family Guy Star Wars which was mixed in with Robot Chicken Star Wars and Star Wars: The Clone Wars on February 4, 2012.

i took "Whole networks just aren't pre-empted whenever they share channel space! This would be ridiculously huge since nothing like it has happened for 11 years or more!" to mean adult swim preemptions

as for the family guy marathon https://www.toonzone.net/forums/threads/c-c-anything-else-7-1-7-7.4374941/


Well I'll be damned! I'll have to concede you're right about that one! Perhaps my memory of early [as] isn't as good as I thought it was. The Futurama marathon was a full-show marathon nightly during the holiday season that year.

Posted (edited)
57 minutes ago, OwlChemist81 said:

6/30: MARATHON NIGHT (I'm rooting for FLCL Progressive 1-4 followed by MHA episodes 1-7)

we've had "shit" changed to "crap" and the exclusion of a post-credits scene so far. ideally when MHA marathons it'll start from episode 1 with those changes corrected. i still have no idea what funimation was trying to do with the language edit. demo ratings are the only thing that matters; toonami is not targeting children.

if Hero Notebook airs there should be 15 MHA eps that have aired by labor day. 10:30-6 should do it.

Edited by korosu
1 minute ago, korosu said:

 toonami is not targeting children.

Dragon Ball Z Kai, Dragon Ball Super, My Hero Academia, Hunter x Hunter, One Piece, Naruto: Shippuden, Space Dandy, etc.

With a few exceptions (Hellsing Ultimate, Parasyte, Gundam Unicorn, for example) that were aired by the few rationale people working at the network, the Adult Swim version of Toonami is barely more mature than the Tom 3/4  CN Toonami that preceded it. 😐

  • Haha 1

What's really unfortunate about this is that Jason is on break from Twitter because his mom recently died. He probably could've been able to clear all of this up for us sooner. :(

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  • Confused 1
46 minutes ago, Zenigundam said:

Dragon Ball Z Kai, Dragon Ball Super, My Hero Academia, Hunter x Hunter, One Piece, Naruto: Shippuden, Space Dandy, etc.

With a few exceptions (Hellsing Ultimate, Parasyte, Gundam Unicorn, for example) that were aired by the few rationale people working at the network, the Adult Swim version of Toonami is barely more mature than the Tom 3/4  CN Toonami that preceded it. 😐

viewers the network gets that are outside of their demo does not translate into ad money. they do not target those viewers.

4 minutes ago, korosu said:

viewers the network gets that are outside of their demo does not translate into ad money. they do not target those viewers.

The show content says otherwise. Toonami is for 6-12 year old prepubescent BOYS, just like in the old days. Grown people are not targeted. They want grown people to get laid. 😐🕵️‍♂️💏

2 minutes ago, korosu said:


Lol you're in denial my man. I need to sign you up for A&E's next season of Intervention. Toonami has always been for kids. The very few TV-MA products aired under Adult Swim were because of conflicting opinions as to whether Toonami should be the Cartoon Network Toonami that was meant for elementary school kids or whether it should operate under ASA standards (teens and above). That's exactly what happened, and if CN weren't weak, lil betas, almost the entirety of Toonami's programming could be on daytime CN... PLEASE there's nothing tough at all about My Hero Academia, JoJo, or Hunter x Hunter. 😏

Just now, Zenigundam said:

Lol you're in denial my man. I need to sign you up for A&E's next season of Intervention. Toonami has always been for kids. The very few TV-MA products aired under Adult Swim were because of conflicting opinions as to whether Toonami should be the Cartoon Network Toonami that was meant for elementary school kids or whether it should operate under ASA standards (teens and above). That's exactly what happened, and if CN weren't weak, lil betas, almost the entirety of Toonami's programming could be on daytime CN... PLEASE there's nothing tough at all about My Hero Academia, JoJo, or Hunter x Hunter. 😏

children have always watched adult swim. adult swim shows would be advertised during cn toonami blocks. last february a dragon ball super promo aired right before noon on cn. they can't air anything TV-MA in the 8 pm hour though after 9 pm they can. obviously not because it's right after cn because The Boondocks would air at 11 saturday nights. those advertisements weren't targeting children though. they make no money from viewers outside of their target demo. show content is irrelevant. adult swim has been airing TV-G stuff since its third week on the air.


1 minute ago, korosu said:

children have always watched adult swim. adult swim shows would be advertised during cn toonami blocks. last february a dragon ball super promo aired right before noon on cn. they can't air anything TV-MA in the 8 pm hour though after 9 pm they can. obviously not because it's right after cn because The Boondocks would air at 11 saturday nights. those advertisements weren't targeting children though. they make no money from viewers outside of their target demo. show content is irrelevant. adult swim has been airing TV-G stuff since its third week on the air.


I know, I was there, but stop acting like Toonami's badass when it's meant for little kids. Seriously, Toonami needs to either get its game up and air tough,  mature shows that resonate with young teens, at the very least, or it has to go back on CN and air these shows in slightly edited fashion, and believe me the entirety of its lineup would take very few edits, and I'm not talking about played out AS crossovers, you know what I mean... little boy... 💪

Just now, Zenigundam said:

stop acting like Toonami's badass

the language edit in MHA was not requested. funimation did it for some dumbass reason. it's superfluous. having chris re-record a line because it's gonna air at 11:30 pm on adult swim with a TV-14 rating alongside men ogling a woman's ass, taking pictures saying "money shot."

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)
14 minutes ago, Zenigundam said:

I know, I was there, but stop acting like Toonami's badass when it's meant for little kids. Seriously, Toonami needs to either get its game up and air tough,  mature shows that resonate with young teens, at the very least, or it has to go back on CN and air these shows in slightly edited fashion, and believe me the entirety of its lineup would take very few edits, and I'm not talking about played out AS crossovers, you know what I mean... little boy... 💪

You're a friggin' moron. HxH has had some SUPER-disturbing scenes in this arc, and Black Clover, even though it's stupid, has had quite a few bloody moments as well. You don't get to judge shows you've dropped. Of course there's JoJo, which is ANYTHING BUT kiddy!

Also, now I have the same number of posts as the title of a Van Halen album!

Edited by OwlChemist81
  • Like 2
Posted (edited)
17 minutes ago, korosu said:

the language edit in MHA was not requested. funimation did it for some dumbass reason. it's superfluous. having chris re-record a line because it's gonna air at 11:30 pm on adult swim with a TV-14 rating alongside men ogling a woman's ass, taking pictures saying "money shot."

I have no clue which language edit you're referring to, but I do know that MHA is G-rated at its core. TV-G

Edited by Zenigundam
10 minutes ago, OwlChemist81 said:

You're a friggin' moron. HxH has had some SUPER-disturbing scenes in this arc, and Black Clover, even though it's stupid, has had quite a few bloody moments as well. You don't get to judge shows you've dropped. Of course there's JoJo, which is ANYTHING BUT kiddy!

Also, now I have the same number of posts as the title of a Van Halen album!

Your defensive tears of Toonamite delusion prove my point. 😐🍗💏

1 minute ago, Zenigundam said:

I have no clue which language edit you're referring to, but I do know that MHA is G-rated at its core. TV-G

All Might's "shit" changed to "crap"

1 minute ago, Zenigundam said:

Your defensive tears of Toonamite delusion prove my point. 😐🍗💏

Only if you've ACTUALLY watched the specific episodes that are airing right now and still say that with any kernel of truth.

But from what I can tell, you dropped HxH during the Heaven's Arena arc so you probably don't even have a clue what its content is right now!

1 hour ago, PokeNirvash said:

Does Mike Lazzo do social media, because I'd even accept reassurance from him in this time of need for answers.

I think he might have a twitter and does have a reddit account. But he has a less than stellar track record airing his thoughts on social media without shoving his foot so far in his mouth he can tickle his own prostate with a hangnail so he might not say anything personally just to keep from making things worse by saying something stupid and then wandering off.

And zeni can get out of this board area if he has nothing better to do than be a shithead. Go abuse your crusted beanie baby tiger some more unless you've already shellacked the poor thing to the ceiling. 

  • Haha 8

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