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1 minute ago, elfie said:

Vegeta battling a Goku-lookalike must be theraputic.


LMAO at Bulma's "I figured this might happen"


Vegeta with that unexpected pride in Goku xD

Hahaha "That clown"

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"I like you but I don't like you that much!" LOL.

Land the time machine in a discreet location and put it back in the capsule!

You should have realized Zamasu was bad news a long time ago, Gowasu.

Even if Zamasu's body is completely gone he should still come back because he's immortal.

Bulma as resourceful as ever.  Good thinking!

Superglue the jar back together lmao.


Vegeta with the good lines.  He was epic as ever this episode.


They used the animation for when someone is disintigrated by an energy blast, but of course Goku Black wasn't really dead.  Grrr lol.

7 hours ago, mochi said:

and after seeing Goku, Bulma, Oolong, and Yamcha survive her bullets multiple times

That was when comedic effect was in effect.  Launch put Krillin, Goku, and Roshi full of bullet holes too.  This is different!

7 hours ago, elfie said:

I must say this arc is the most engaging in the DBZ storyline so far!

It's still complete crap, but compared to the crap that came before it... it actually starts making people think that hey... this isn't half bad. I will freely admit this is way better than anything this show has put out so far.

But don't be fooled by your lowered expectations.

Just think, in less than a year you'll actually get to watch Super's one good arc!


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Posted (edited)
7 hours ago, Roymustang1990 said:

Firearms are now useful


7 hours ago, Gyaos said:

Still carrying rifles?


7 hours ago, Meilag32 said:

How does Mai think a mere bullet will do anything?  Especially after what she's seen him take.


7 hours ago, Roymustang1990 said:

That sniper bullet 's power level was high enough to make black fall rofffl


7 hours ago, Roymustang1990 said:

You could say the same about the sword trunks is using because trunks is stronger than the sword itself


7 hours ago, mochi said:

....I mean it worked when he killed Frieza with it but he never used it again afterwards

Because the Androids broke it...

7 hours ago, Roymustang1990 said:

Yeah but the question I'm asking is does the sword have a power level of its own bbecause there's no reason for him to be using a sword

Weapons don't have power levels...

However, the characters are not invincible, like Superman, just because they can fly, shoot energy blasts, and have great strength.  They could still be shot or stabbed, etc.  Most of the time a fighter will catch or dodge bullets.  Don't forget that Goku was brought down by a ray gun by Frieza's goon when he was powered down and had his guard down.  Someone could also be injured by a sword.  We saw it work on Frieza.  Dabura used a sword.  Goku also once used his Power Pole.  But if someone can dodge or parry the sword attack, or destroy the sword (like the androids did,) then, no, it won't work.  In this case, I see no reason for Trunks to not use a sword, especially since Black and Zamasu use them, albeit made of energy.

Edited by ben0119
6 minutes ago, Daos said:

It's still complete crap, but compared to the crap that came before it... it actually starts making people think that hey... this isn't half bad. I will freely admit this is way better than anything this show has put out so far.

But don't be fooled by your lowered expectations.

Just think, in less than a year you'll actually get to watch Super's one good arc!


I think you're too hard on this show, Daos.  Yeah, the Beerus and Frieza sagas were not done well.  I believe there's even a continuity issue created because they forgot to include the Pilaf Gang.  Watch the movies instead of those sagas.  But everything after that has been pretty good.  I've enjoyed the sitcom-like slice-of-life episodes like the one with Goku going to the store, etc, too.  Reminds me of the old drivers' ed episode.  Funny to watch these super-powered people doing ordinary things.


I don't think I'm too hard on it, it's pretty bad. Take this latest episode. This is what, the 3rd or 4th time they've traveled back into the past after getting beaten?

There was a plotline with them trying to kill Goku Black... with a bullet. Come on.

Trunks bullshit powerup when he was only SS2 to suddenly jumping past SSG.

Vegeta's bullshit powerup by using the time chamber for the 953453th time. I mean they even set a limit on how many times you could use it because they knew it would be ridiculous for them to be able to keep spamming time chamber training... then they removed the limit.

When they use the Time Machine why don't they just return to the exact second they left? It's a time machine.

The fights are still mediocre and poorly animated.

What was Zamasu's plan again? To kill every mortal on Earth one at a time? It's kind of a big Universe and it's taking them a long time to squash one planet. Super Buu wiped out humanity in about 30 seconds with way less power.

It's just so bad on so many levels. Not just the regular bad that we've come to expect from DB, it's exceptionally bad.


Don't forget the Containment Wave plan. Conveniently swapped to "Eh, we didn't really like that plan anyway" as soon as they got there. I mean, until Bulma whipped out the super glue, it seemed like they were legit just falling back on the same plan that hasn't worked out so far a few times over.


Yeah I mean there's so much stuff I can't even list it all. 

Also how many times have they used their laser sword ability to impale people, yet somehow always avoiding the heart or ya know, just cutting their heads off with it?

The time machine gets blown up... but only slightly! So Bulma can fix it with the garage she just happened to bring with her.

And wait until you see the ending. This entire arc is just a case study on the writers not giving a fuck.

1 minute ago, Daos said:

Yeah I mean there's so much stuff I can't even list it all. 

Also how many times have they used their laser sword ability to impale people, yet somehow always avoiding the heart or ya know, just cutting their heads off with it?

The time machine gets blown up... but only slightly! So Bulma can fix it with the garage she just happened to bring with her.

And wait until you see the ending. This entire arc is just a case study on the writers not giving a fuck.

so were the first 3 arcs

and I agree

at least Vegeta is getting to kick butt again....sort of

  • Like 1
11 minutes ago, naraku360 said:

So, like, all of DBZ?

DBZ never really had the tightest of plots and it had a lot of asspulls and retconning.... but are you watching Super? This is just over the top.

Like the thing with Trunks... DBZ would never have a character suddenly jump 3 Super Saiyan levels randomly. He was SS2 in this show and suddenly became more powerful than SS3, Mystic Gohan, Gotenks, Vegito, and SSG. It's beyond the ridiculousness of the original show. It's just too much.

Posted (edited)
On 5/13/2018 at 6:57 AM, Daos said:

I don't think I'm too hard on it, it's pretty bad. Take this latest episode. This is what, the 3rd or 4th time they've traveled back into the past after getting beaten?

There was a plotline with them trying to kill Goku Black... with a bullet. Come on.

Trunks bullshit powerup when he was only SS2 to suddenly jumping past SSG.

Vegeta's bullshit powerup by using the time chamber for the 953453th time. I mean they even set a limit on how many times you could use it because they knew it would be ridiculous for them to be able to keep spamming time chamber training... then they removed the limit.

When they use the Time Machine why don't they just return to the exact second they left? It's a time machine.

The fights are still mediocre and poorly animated.

What was Zamasu's plan again? To kill every mortal on Earth one at a time? It's kind of a big Universe and it's taking them a long time to squash one planet. Super Buu wiped out humanity in about 30 seconds with way less power.

It's just so bad on so many levels. Not just the regular bad that we've come to expect from DB, it's exceptionally bad.

I agree that they've gone back and forth too many times.

Well, to be technical, a bullet could work if Goku Black was powered down and his guard down.  They usually catch or dodge the bullets.  They aren't bullet-proof like Superman ya' know.  But, still, unlikely to work, I chalk it up to Mai being stupid.

Is it past SSG?  We don't really know how strong he is.  I wasn't really under the impression that he was on equal footing with Black or Zamasu, either, and that they were just toying with him.

I thought there was only a limit for how many days in a row, not how many times total?

Well you could say that about any case before this.  Whenever Trunks would travel back and forth in time, it seemed like he would come back however much time later as what time passed where he was travelling from.  Almost more like they are different worlds, than time periods where Trunks is travelling to specific times.  So, 3 days pass in the present and they go back 3 days later from when they were last there in the future.  It seems like it's always been like that.

I do agree the visuals leave something to be desired.

Buu sensed everyone's energy and used seeker blasts to target everyone.  Zamasu seems to be using a more direct approach, maybe even taking it slow because he enjoys killing them?  And do we even know if anyone besides Buu could use that ability?  They could just destroy the planet, but they wanted to kill all mortals, not destroy where they are living.  Also I guess animals are excempt since they don't have the same level of intelligence, and cause as much "defilement."

I don't agree with that, but maybe I'm just more forgiving of it because of how much I love Dragon Ball.  DBZ was my gateway series, even though I saw anime before that, after that was when I became an active fan, and it's pretty much my top series, up there with Robotech.  I know a lot of people hate GT, but I think it's pretty fun and decent for a what-if sequel.  Not a "worthy successor" by any means, but not terrible. 

Edited by ben0119
On 5/13/2018 at 3:02 AM, ben0119 said:






Because the Androids broke it...

Weapons don't have power levels...

However, the characters are not invincible, like Superman, just because they can fly, shoot energy blasts, and have great strength.  They could still be shot or stabbed, etc.  Most of the time a fighter will catch or dodge bullets.  Don't forget that Goku was brought down by a ray gun by Frieza's goon when he was powered down and had his guard down.  Someone could also be injured by a sword.  We saw it work on Frieza.  Dabura used a sword.  Goku also once used his Power Pole.  But if someone can dodge or parry the sword attack, or destroy the sword (like the androids did,) then, no, it won't work.  In this case, I see no reason for Trunks to not use a sword, especially since Black and Zamasu use them, albeit made of energy.

It was always a theory of mines that any type of weapon used by any z warrior always had a power level not by itself individually ,it would simply gain one equal to the power level of whoever held it in their hands which is the only plausible explanation of why weapons would be effective in the first place especially since there's no explanation provided ever in the series how an ordinary sword with zero power level of its own could slice through ape vegetas tail or mechanical frieza but not through super saiyan gokus index finger when trunks swunged his sword at him multiple times. You pretty much just go along with it.


It used to have a 2 time limit. Then they removed that limit. Also 6 year old Goku was immune to getting shot in the head. Why would a bullet work on an adult Goku that's a billion times more powerful? Also the person who thought up the bullet idea was BULMA. Guess who shot Goku in the head the first time they met in the first episode of Dragonball? BULMA! It's just bad in every possible way.

it is mentioned by Piccolo that a person can only spend 48 hours in real life time inside the Time Chamber,[1] and by Goku during the Fusion Saga of Dragon Ball Z that a person can only enter the chamber twice in a lifetime.

The Hyperbolic Time Chamber has been reconstructed by Dende. This new room can be used for at least three days of real time at once (three years within the room). The room likely lacks the weakness of the old chamber in having a destructible door, as Goku states, "No matter how far we take things here, we don't have to worry about destroying anything."[2] The two-time limit that a person can enter the Time Chamber has also been removed

18 hours ago, Daos said:

It used to have a 2 time limit. Then they removed that limit. Also 6 year old Goku was immune to getting shot in the head. Why would a bullet work on an adult Goku that's a billion times more powerful? Also the person who thought up the bullet idea was BULMA. Guess who shot Goku in the head the first time they met in the first episode of Dragonball? BULMA! It's just bad in every possible way.

it is mentioned by Piccolo that a person can only spend 48 hours in real life time inside the Time Chamber,[1] and by Goku during the Fusion Saga of Dragon Ball Z that a person can only enter the chamber twice in a lifetime.

The Hyperbolic Time Chamber has been reconstructed by Dende. This new room can be used for at least three days of real time at once (three years within the room). The room likely lacks the weakness of the old chamber in having a destructible door, as Goku states, "No matter how far we take things here, we don't have to worry about destroying anything."[2] The two-time limit that a person can enter the Time Chamber has also been removed

You know that was meant as a joke, right?  Launch shot Roshi, Goku, and Krillin full of bullet holes at one point.  Actually, it was Mai's dumbass that came up with it.  Raditz caught a bullet and threw it back at the farmer.  Saiyaman would catch or dodge bullets.  That implies a use of superhuman reflexes and chi, not a bullet proof body. Point is, they aren't bullet proof, but because of awareness and reaction time, it most likely won't work anyway.  The only characters I can think of that are would be the androids, which kinda makes sense.

Yes the limitation was removed after it was rebuilt after Buu destroyed it.  I don't see how that's any different than the Dragons' limitations being monkeyed with.

On 5/19/2018 at 7:18 PM, Roymustang1990 said:

It was always a theory of mines that any type of weapon used by any z warrior always had a power level not by itself individually ,it would simply gain one equal to the power level of whoever held it in their hands which is the only plausible explanation of why weapons would be effective in the first place especially since there's no explanation provided ever in the series how an ordinary sword with zero power level of its own could slice through ape vegetas tail or mechanical frieza but not through super saiyan gokus index finger when trunks swunged his sword at him multiple times. You pretty much just go along with it.

I don't get your thinking with this.  Power levels don't make you invulnerable to weapons.  Lots of warriors used weapons in the series before.  Obviously a weapon by itself can't do anything.  It's all in the hands of the person who uses it.  Maybe they could send their chi into the weapon and around it, but I dunno', I think you are way overthinking this.  Goku extended energy around his finger...  It's also possible for people to block swords with their hands in real life, mind you, if you know what you're doing.

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