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The best game you've played and the worst game you've played on every console you've owned

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Posted (edited)


Best: Super Mario Bros 3

Worst: Silver Surfer



Best: Kirby's Dream Land

Worst: Super Mario Land (Yeah I said it)



Best: A  Link To The Past

Worst: The Rocketeer >:(


Sega Genesis

Best: Sonic The Hedgehog 3

Worst: King Salmon


Game Gear

Best: Sonic Triple Trouble

Worst: Bartman Meets Radioactive Man



Best: Super Smash Bros.

Worst: Mario Party (I await the inevitable crucifixion) 



Best: Crash Bandicoot 2

Worst: Robo Pit


Playstation 2

Best: Metal Gear 2: Sons of Liberty 

Worst: Enter The Matrix


Game Cube

Best: Super Smash Bros. Melee 

Worst: Luigi's Mansion (I tried but I just couldn't get into this game)



Best: Jet Set Radio Future

Worst: Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex

Edited by Kudasai
Posted (edited)


Best: Legend of Zelda

Worst: Ninja Gaiden III. That game was WAY too fucking hard.


Game Boy

Best: Wario Land 

Worst: Solar Striker



Best: Final Fantasy II / IV, Final Fantasy III / VI, Chrono Trigger (you can't make me choose)

Worst: Chuck Rock or Ren and Stimpy: Veediots



Best: Ocarina of Time (for single player), Super Smash Bros. (for multiplayer)

Worst: I don't know, probably some game we randomly rented. As far as games I actually remember go, Killer Instinct. That bullshit where the only chance to win was to continually pull off 20+ hit combos was annoying as fuck. 


Virtual Boy

Best: Some pinball game

Worst: Water World


Sega Game Gear

Best: Crystal Warriors

Worst: I don't know... Crystal Warriors was pretty much the only one that I liked enough to play more than a couple times. I had a Taz-mania game that I remember literally nothing about, but I think I hated it. But for my 0% recollection of it, I can't say whether it was the worst or not. There was a Simpsons game that was basically a Lemmings clone that I didn't like. 



Edited by Doom Metal Alchemist
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2 minutes ago, Doom Metal Alchemist said:


Best: Legend of Zelda

Worst: ?


Game Boy

Best: Wario Land 

Worst: Solar Striker



Best: Final Fantasy II / IV, Final Fantasy III / VI, Chrono Trigger (you can't make me choose)

Worst: Chuck Rock or Ren and Stimpy: Veediots



Best: Ocarina of Time (for single player), Super Smash Bros. (for multiplayer)

Worst: I don't know, probably some game we randomly rented. As far as games I actually remember go, Killer Instinct. That bullshit where the only chance to win was to continually pull off 20+ hit combos was annoying as fuck. 


Virtual Boy

Best: Some pinball game

Worst: Water World


Sega Game Gear

Best: Crystal Warriors

Worst: I don't know... Crystal Warriors was pretty much the only one that I liked enough to play more than a couple times. I had a Taz-mania game that I remember literally nothing about, but I think I hated it. But for my 0% recollection of it, I can't say whether it was the worst or not. There was a Simpsons game that was basically a Lemmings clone that I didn't like. 



OMG Veediots my dad actually bought that game for me for Christmas. Seriously just because I like a cartoon doesn't mean I want it's video game>:(

1 minute ago, Kudasai said:

OMG Veediots my dad actually bought that game for me for Christmas. Seriously just because I like a cartoon doesn't mean I want it's video game>:(

Historically, video games based on TV shows/cartoons/movies have always been terrible, especially in the retro eras. Whether or not that's still true, I don't know.

2 minutes ago, Doom Metal Alchemist said:

Historically, video games based on TV shows/cartoons/movies have always been terrible, especially in the retro eras. Whether or not that's still true, I don't know.

We can all thank LJN for that

  • Like 1

Mario Party 2 and 3 are where it's at if you got people to play with. So many joysticks died to the stupid rotating mini games of the first one.

You must have avoided some truly bad games if those are the worst for NES/GB.
I will make a list later, I've owned a lot of consoles/handhelds so it will be long.
11 minutes ago, Ric said:

Mario Party 2 and 3 are where it's at if you got people to play with. So many joysticks died to the stupid rotating mini games of the first one.

You must have avoided some truly bad games if those are the worst for NES/GB.
I will make a list later, I've owned a lot of consoles/handhelds so it will be long.

I've played my fair share of bad NES games but none traumatized me more than Silver Surfer. 



Best: Pokemon Silver

Worst: Bug Bunny's Crazy Castle


Sega Genesis:

Best: Sonic 2

Worst: Ren and Stimpy: Stimpy's Invention



Best: Final Fantasy VII, Metal Gear Solid, and Tekken 2

Worst: Sammy Sosa High Heat Baseball



Best: Ocarina of Time

Worst: 007: The World is Not Enough



Best: MGS3, Persona 3/4, Killer7, and We Love Katamari

Worst: Donald Duck Going Quackers



Best: Smash Bros. Melee, Windwaker, and Super Mario Sunshine

Worst: Rocky and Minority Report



Best: Persona 5 

Worst: Heavy Rain



Best: No More Heroes

Worst: Bleach Shattered Blade



Best: Pokemon Moon and Kid Icarus Uprising

Worst: Conception II



Best: Nier Automata

Worst: Haven't played enough games for PS4 to find anything terrible

  • Like 1

mario party was far from the worst game on the system. even if you play only single player there are far worst games. shame. for me this was kindd of a hard list to make. i used to play bad games more often as a kid but growing up game magazines and later on the internet made it easier for me to pick out the good from the bad so i avoided many bad games after my early 20s. though there are still a few that fell through the cracks like avp 3 on pc or sonic forces.  some of my "worst choices" arent even bad games but had to put something down.



best- super mario bros 3

worst- total recall



best- pokemon gold/silver

worst- mortal kombat



best- sonic 2

worst- shaq fu



best- super metroid

worst- last action hero



best- panzer dragoon zwei

worst- independence day



best- metal gear solid

worst- south park



best-  majoras mask

worst- mk sub zero



best- jet set radio

worst- evil dead



best- gta: sa

worst: tony hawk underground



best- metroid fusion

worst- spiderman 3



best- resident evil 4

worst- 007 nightfire



best- halo 1

worst- fallout brotherhood of steel


nintendo ds:

best- pokemon heart gold/ soul silver

worst- nintendogs



best- super mario galaxy 2

worst- the oregon trail


nintendo 3ds:

best- pokemon sun and moon

worst- street fighter 4


wii u: 

best- mario kart 8

worst- lego the avengers



best- zelda botw

worst- sonic forces



best- fallout 1

worst- avp 3







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NES: Batman/X-Men
SNES: Super Mario World/Best of the Best
Genesis: Sonic 2/Warp Speed
PS1: Lunar/40 Winks
N64: Banjo Kazooie/Bio Freaks
Saturn: Dragon Force/Corpse Killer
Dreamcast: Grandia II/Quake 3
PS2: Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne/DBZ Sagas
GC: Wind Waker/Mega Man Network Transmission
Xbox: Panzer Dragoon Orta/BMX XXX
Wii: Super Mario Galaxy 2/some shitty sports game I forget the name of
PS3: Ni No Kuni/Burnout Paradise
360: Mass Effect/Fable 3
Wii U: Super Smash Bros/Zombi
PS4: Bloodborne/Call of Duty Black Ops 3
Switch: Super Mario Odyssey/Super Bomberman R
GB: Pokemon Blue/Fist of the North Star
GBC: Dragon Warrior III/X-Men Mutant Wars
GBA: Astro Boy Omega Factor/Sonic the Hedgehog (Sonic is great, but terrible port of the Genesis game)
DS: Advance Wars: Dual Strike/Yoshi's Island DS
3DS: Etrian Odyssey Untold/Pilotwings Resort
PSP: Tactics Ogre/The 3rd Birthday
Vita: Persona 4 Golden/Mind Zero

I think that covers it. 

  • Like 1


Kirby's Adventure

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde


Super Mario RPG

Chuck Rock


The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask

Quest 64


Final Fantasy IX

Jade Cocoon


The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages

...I didn't have too many Game Boy games, so I'm unsure of the worst. Maybe Pokemon Red?


Final Fantasy VI Advance

Kirby: Nightmare in Dreamland


Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath

Destroy All Humans


The Legend of Zelda: Windwaker

Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg


Persona 3 FES

Musashi: Samurai Legend


Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia

Yoshi's Island DS


Xenoblade Chronicles

The Last Story


Tales of Vesperia

Halo 3


Yakuza 5



Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep

The 3rd Birthday


Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney: Spirit of Justice

Paper Mario: Sticker Star

Wii U:

Super Smash Bros. 4

Nintendo Land


Persona 5

Final Fantasy XV


Best is on top and worst is on bottom, of course.

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