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I appreciate the plastic balloon clips that come in Balloons United orders


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2 hours ago, Lasty said:

Right, or the air will squeeze through the clip?

It's more like if you squeeze the balloon too hard, the neck will bulge out too far and get snagged on the clip (which can easily pop the balloon).

Also, if the clip isn't on the balloon properly, it can shoot off the balloon when you squeeze it.

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1 minute ago, TrigunBebop said:

Because I love interacting with balloons in general, and once a balloon pops there's not much you can do with the scraps.

not popping the balloon = more fun

So the popping itself isn't necessarily bad, just not nearly as good as the alternative?

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9 hours ago, Lasty said:

Loudest darned thing I ever heard when I wasn't tripping. o_o

The loudest noise I ever heard was when I accidentally blew a punchball balloon up until it popped.

I actually lost my hearing for a bit after it happened. >.<

Edited by TrigunBebop
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