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I need to find somoen trustworthy to trade pokemon with to evolve. Well I really just want to evolve a mamgmar and it's the only way... Magmortar's duck face is so fucking bad in new gen sprite though..  I"m gonna end up using salazzle anyway I've just been trying to wait until I can breed it to have perfect IV's. EV training has  been pretty time consuming.

  • 2 months later...

Finally found and caught a Jangmo-o tonight.  I've been wanting one ever since I bought the game and I finally found it.

I'm still working on the pokedex.  Haven't been playing it much so I've been making slow progress.  Also caught a Machoke tonight.


I picked up the game this weekend for the first time in two months to get the mega stones and ended up finally finishing the elite four.


Least invested I've ever been in a Pokemon game.


So I'm finally buying a 3ds again after selling my previous one 2 and a half years ago. I've been debating on getting this vs X/Y or OR/AS. I already played both of those and never played this. Heard this one has no gyms? Honestly I'd just like to play through with Ampharos, my favorite pokemon, on my team as early as possible. I know they aren't in this game but theoretically I could get one via wonder trade. I dunno.

  • 3 weeks later...

My copy of Moon came in today. $26 new with the little Lunala figure? Not bad at all imo. I'll probably start it sometime within the next day or so. Also, there's apparently gonna be a short Pokemon-centered Nintendo Direct tomorrow so that could be interesting.


My copy of Moon came in today. $26 new with the little Lunala figure? Not bad at all imo. I'll probably start it sometime within the next day or so. Also, there's apparently gonna be a short Pokemon-centered Nintendo Direct tomorrow so that could be interesting.


They announced Sun and Moon Ultimate


Yeah I saw. Guess I have roughly 5 months to beat Moon then. :D I love Wonder Trade. Got a Lv. 1 Japanese Ralts I plan on using the the entire story. Plus a Lv. 1 Ice Vulpix with all its best moves. :D Too bad no Mareep though. :( I just beat the first Kahuna, literally only using my Rowlet. :D It evolved after the battle. About to ride the Tauros to get some TMs I missed before moving to the second island. Well I say about to but I probably won't play again until tomorrow...probably. :D My Team:


Gible Lv. 13(WT)

Ralts Lv. 14(WT)

Vulpix Lv. 17(WT)

Grubbin Lv. 17

Pichu Lv. 17(EVOLVE ALREADY! >:()

Datrix Lv. 17


My copy of Moon came in today. $26 new with the little Lunala figure? Not bad at all imo. I'll probably start it sometime within the next day or so. Also, there's apparently gonna be a short Pokemon-centered Nintendo Direct tomorrow so that could be interesting.

turns out Sun and Moon Ultra are set

in a Paralel universe to the one sun and moon take place in and different events and pokemon will be in them





maybe the dimension Anabel and the Ultrabeasts came from?



turns out Sun and Moon Ultra are set

in a Paralel universe to the one sun and moon take place in and different events and pokemon will be in them





maybe the dimension Anabel and the Ultrabeasts came from?


I heard the news, about ultra sun, and moon but I didn't here anything about parralell universes. I watched the trailer,

and Verlisify is usually pretty good about covering everything. You sure that's not just a rumor? The biggest thing with

ultra sun and moon is gonna be new form changes for Solgaleo, and Lunala, using the power of Necrozma.. I mean

it wouldn't be a big leap to make it in a parrelell universe. Technically I guess I've been playing in a parralel universe

ever since I picked up my cosmog cuz I was to lazy to go back through the portal.  :D


I just beat Salazzle after the goofy Marowak fire dancing trial. :D My Gabite just barely soloed it with 4HP remaining. :D For some reason I thought Gible didn't evolve until the 30s, but it was a good thing for me it did. I realized my team definitely has a fire weakness/gap atm. The only water move I have is Kirlia's HP Water. So I decided to bench Charjabug for the Eevee egg which I plan to make Vaporeon whenever I get a water stone. I think I'll evolve Pikachu as soon as it gets access to Discharge. I'm on Route 8 and apparently it has both evolution stones I need. My Team:


Egg(Should be an Eevee)

Gabite Lv. 26(WT)

Kirlia Lv. 26(WT)

Vulpix Lv. 27(WT)

Pikachu Lv. 27

Datrix Lv. 27


I beat Olivia, who is sexy as fuck btw, and reached island 3, saving and stopping just after beating Hau again. Vaporeon was enough against Olivia. Before island 3 though I stopped at that not-at-all evil/suspicious lab with the 40 year old lady who looks 15(yes they joke about this) that I'm guessing is what-her-name's mom. I had a "God I'm old" double-whammy after being reminded my character is supposed to be 11 and also thinking 40 doesn't seem that old to me anymore. :D :'( Anywho...My Team:


Vaporeon Lv. 27

Gabite Lv. 31(WT)

Gardevoir Lv. 32(WT)

Datrix Lv. 32

Vulpix Lv. 33(WT)

Alolan Raichu Lv. 34


I just beat-up her bitchy mom......'s pokemon. :D She got trapped in another dimension after...or something. :D


My Team:

Vaporeon Lv. 47

Garchomp Lv. 48(WT)

Gardevoir Lv. 48(WT)

Decidueye Lv. 48

Ninetails Lv. 49(WT)

Ampharos Lv. 49(WT)


Just over 28 hours in. I became the champ, all pokemon lv. 60 - 64, think I'll focus on another game for awhile now. Might come back for some legendary catching/random battles/team building, but with Ultra Moon so close I might not bother. No national pokedex really killed my desire to bother filling the alolan dex which is a shame. That was a really shitty decision to exclude imo. Hopefully Ultra Moon has one, but with Pokemon Bank I doubt it.


42 hours in now. So I checked Serebii and there's an online competition this weekend opened to anyone where the prize for participating is 3 Mega Stones: Galladite, Gardevoirite, and Lopunnite. Now, I definitely want those so...yeah, I decided to play a little longer before switching games. :D I did the following post-game stuff:


1.) I got the Mega Key Stone and Alakazite.

2.) I caught all 4 Tapus.

3.) I received a Mudkip randomly via Wonder Trade, Ditto bred it 20+ times, and traded all of those via GTS to get one of every starter pokemon. All 7 generations.

4.) I began EV Training a few pokemon on Poke Pelago...though I literally just started that a few hours ago.

5.) I briefly played around the Battle Tree...I'm awful at it. :D


But probably best of all I started trying out SOS Shiny Chaining earlier today. Now excluding the Red Gyarados I've only ever found 2 shiny pokemon in my 19 years of playing pokemon, only 2: A Shiny Tentacool while surfing randomly in Heart Gold, and a Shiny Chatot while shiny chaining in X, both now gone. Well, I'm happy to announce about an hour ago I found my third! A Shiny Growlithe! It was just my third attempt at SOS Chaining. According to Serebii it takes chaining 70 of the same pokemon to increase the likelihood of encountering a shiny. I must have got super lucky because just the 48th Growlithe in my chain was shiny! :D A female too, Lv. 7 with 4 perfect IVs. I know it won't usually be that easy but honestly it makes me wanna try and catch some more now. :D


That tournament's up now through Sunday with the participation prizes out in early July. Just got my 3 matches needed to qualify out of the way, all 3 easy losses for me. :D


There's a mystery gift event now live too. Use the code MATSUBUSA to get Mega Stones for Mega Sceptile, Mega Blaziken and Mega Swampert, as well as the Mega Stones, Banettite & Cameruptite. Already got mine.


That aside not much to report. Tried 3 different multiple hour long SOS Shiny Hunts for a Shiny Fomantis this week, no luck.


So BP grinding is a major pain. I beat my first Battle Tree category earlier today, Double Battles. Overall the Battle Tree has been very difficult for me, but I think I finally found a decent doubles set. Lopunny and Volcarona in front with Breloom and Mega Lucario in back. I barely defeated Blue, but getting to him was pretty easy, although I got fairly lucky with several of the matches leading to him. So many ice types to mow down! :D So far I plowed through 5 matches in Super Double Battles without much hassle. I do wonder what I'll do once Mega Lopunny becomes available next week though....


Oh, also got a second shiny....but...it was a Lv. 100 6 perfect IV Lycanroc via Wonder Trade so I doubt it's legit. :D


I just faced near disaster on Super Double Battles Match 10. I faced Cynthia the Sinnoh Champion. Nice to see her again btw. What wasn't nice was when she one hit-KOed my Volcarona that I THOUGHT was holding a Focus Sash! Except no, I was wrong and Focus Sash is a one-time use item except in the Battle Tree or online matches. I must've burned it during the Elite 4 and failed to notice it was gone. Luckily for me I beat her anyway when it came down to my Breloom vs her Milotic. Unluckily for me I then had to immediately waste literally all my accumulated BP on another Focus Sash! Oh well, at least now I know.


The Loppunite, Gardevoirite, and Galladite are now available. I couldn't log in to the global link to get the code via Chrome though. Hadta use FireFox.


Via serebii:


"Details for the next Battle Competition have been announced. This is the Weakness Cup competition. This is a Double Battle competition using rules where only Pokémon with five or more weaknesses can be used. The standard Legendary Pokémon and Mythical Pokémon restrictions apply and you cannot use Ash Greninja. Only Weakness Policy and the type-reducing Berries such as Yache Berry can be used. Mega Stones are also not allowed. Registration runs from July 20th to July 27th. Battles will run from July 28th to July 30th. All entrants will get the Altarianite, Ampharosite, Latiosite and Latiasite Mega Stones."


The team members that are pulling their weight are Magneton, Primarina, and Petilil. I have a Salazzle and Arcanine but they both seem to faint pretty often, I assume that they have unfortunate IVs.


Magneton with magnet pull is holding Eviolite and is probable my best pokemon. Volt Switch, Hidden Power Fighting, Electro Ball, Tri Attack. Probably going to replace Tri Attack with a Steel Move at some point, and Electro Ball with Thunderbolt or Discharge.  HP/Fight has been extremely useful especially with its typing since it covers Normal, Ice, Dark, Steel, and Rock types which are pretty common in the game. Also helps with it's magnet pull ability so steel types can't switch out.  Then the electric moves cover Water and Flying, and when I get a steel move I'll have fairy type covered.


Just spent 3 hours IV breeding an Archeops for the upcoming competition. Finally got 4 perfect IVs in the stats I care most about with the nature I wanted so good enough. Giving away the extra 30 or so via Wonder Trade now if anyone wants one. :D


...aaaaand it's done. More or less anyway. I technically still need to evolve my Type: Null, but after that my Alola Pokedex will officially be complete and I can finally get the Shiny Charm. It actually wasn't as difficult as I expected. Unfortunately though I did need to trade away 2 Legendary Pokemon to get some of the tougher GTS pokemon: Tapu Bulu, which I like the least of the 4 Tapus anyway so no huge loss there imo, and Necrozma....which was admittedly unfortunate. Ah well, I refuse to use Legendary Pokemon anyway. I've always considered it cheap....except in game when I was a kid. :D On the plus side I just got Magearna after learning it's available indefinitely so that was cool. Guess now I'll just shiny hunt(got a shiny Slowking via GTS I THINK is legit btw) and EV train until the upcoming weakness tournament. After which I plan to finally shift focus to some different games until Ultra Moon in November. Archeops is a friggin' glass cannon btw! The thing gets one shot all the time and its best move requires you to use no hold item! No wonder it's eligible for the weakness tournament! Anywho...I'm over 112 Hours in now, really wasn't expecting to play this that much. :D


I started playing Pokemon Sun again.  I'm only up to route two though since I haven't been playing much.

Spent at least a half hour training Luffy my mankey on route two before I found a Smeargle and it ended up struggling itself to death.  Stupid thing.

So I spent another half hour looking for another one until I found it and caught it.

If I'm ever bored enough, I might look for shinies in Moon but I probably never will.  Sounds like too much work.

I'd rather just look for rare pokemon I haven't caught yet.

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