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Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders s2 ep 13 discussion

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...where did that come from?? She didn't have feelings for any fo them before!


We got a flash of it toward the end of an earlier episode.


Guess she's this series' Karin, except that Jotaro is no Sasuke!


We got a flash of it toward the end of an earlier episode.


Guess she's this series' Karin, except that Jotaro is no Sasuke!


don't you dare compare her to Karin. this kid is already a wway better character, even with the crush


I thought it might be him from a different time period.


end of the story, he'll probably be forced to go back int time to start the whole thing for a good reason.

sometimes, predictability just means the story is solidly written. chekov's gun and all that

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