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Started downloading the new Call of Duty with the WWII hype at 4pm.....


I paused it at 1 am because out of the 54 gigs needed I was only 49% done







I thought you said they were after molarbear


They're after everyone, really.

You're not safe.

No one is safe.

You want safe? Invest in solid gold bars, just like in Looney Tunes.

You want safe? House rigged with shotguns and live explosives.

You wanna be safe? Build a bomb shelter.

Wanna be safe? Smoke cigarettes or cigars. They keep the blood flowin' when the body starts to shut down.


You wanna be safe? Get a degree. Get a couple of degrees, but stick mainly to one. Psychology and sociology... the two hardest sciences there are. FACTS ONLY when you walk through that door.

You want safe? Start a non-profit and grant yourself, ehhhh... a six figure salary.


Used to have to wait all night for a few songs to download on Limewire


Or you'd start the download before school and hope they were done when you got home




They're spying on you through your internet connection.


It's already too late, just accept your fate.

You will be v& shortly.


If that were true the CIA would be loaded with viruses from all the porn


I can't stand slow Internet. It's a sin. Need to keep petitioning Google for Fiber in my area.



they were suppose to come here until AT&T and Cox had a closed door meeting with the city

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