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Which shows repeat themselves episode after episode?

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Phineas and Ferb: The boys do something big, Perry fights Doofenshmirtz and wins, Candace tries to get the boys in trouble, but Perry and Doofenshmirtz's feud causes the boy's big thing to disappear and everything is back to normal.


Pokemon: Ash finds a new Pokemon, meets a new character or challenges a new gym, Team Rocket disrupts the whole thing to commit some crime until Ash and/or his friends stops them by sending them flying in the sky and everything is back to normal.


Johnny Bravo: Johnny flirts with a girl only to find out that she either: 1) Is not interested in him, 2) Looses interest in him by the end of the episode or 3) Is revealed to have something about her that makes her unattractive and everything is back to normal.


Three's Company:  The girls jump to a wild conclusion about what they think Jack is doing, the landlord plays detective and coincidentally finds evidence that may support the suspicion.  Everything is resolved, like when the "high priced prostitute" turns out to be a licensed psychologist.  Jack was just too embarrassed to let the girls know he was seeing one.


Inuyasha: Encounter random demon. Kill it. The end.


Ed, Edd, & Eddy: Make an outrageous scam to get the neighborhood kids to fork over their quarters for jawbreaker money.


I started hating Inuyasha for this reason, but felt Ed, Edd, & Eddy was brilliant for this reason.


Phineas and Ferb: The boys do something big, Perry fights Doofenshmirtz and wins, Candace tries to get the boys in trouble, but Perry and Doofenshmirtz's feud causes the boy's big thing to disappear and everything is back to normal.


Pokemon: Ash finds a new Pokemon, meets a new character or challenges a new gym, Team Rocket disrupts the whole thing to commit some crime until Ash and/or his friends stops them by sending them flying in the sky and everything is back to normal.


Johnny Bravo: Johnny flirts with a girl only to find out that she either: 1) Is not interested in him, 2) Looses interest in him by the end of the episode or 3) Is revealed to have something about her that makes her unattractive and everything is back to normal.

Just pick any televised sporting event.
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