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Why was I thinking the SNES mini was being released at midnight?

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I know you're right naraku.. but I just want to be a good nintendo fan. I mean I love nintendo, and all this


awesome new groundbreaking tech they're putting out since Iwata's death.. I couldn't live without it.


you know..  :|  To be honest the price just seems right, and I  love the simplicity of retro games,


but if I have to fight someone for the bullshit, or they are going to sell out in an hour fuck it.  :D


I'm not buying it because it's compact. It has every snes game I'll want to play plus starfox 2.


Starfox is one of the only franchises that I dedicate myslef to playing everything. Even though


the graphics are laughable today, starfox for the snes supposedly 'pushed the system to it's


limits' to give the feeling of actual flight. I have an aviation background as well as...


I guess starfox is one of the only games capable of making me nerdgasm to sum it up.


I've been playing the first one on my old SNES it's so bad. Ofcourse now days flight simulators


and goat simulators are everywhere so I know meh..


Went to 24/7 walmart at 1030! and they had already sold out. Gamestop nearby only has 14. Im pulling an all nighter at target to try and get one.


While i was leaving walmart i heard a guy on his cell talking other stores. People are out in droves already.


Ugggh.. I really hope there's not enough nerds here for that shit.


My towns mostly cholo types so.. I'm going to try to be at gamestop a few hours early,


but I'm not doing no black friday shit.  :D


I've been playing the original snes.  :D


......Then why even get the mini?


I mean if it's for those 20 something specific games, $300 is a bit much for some shit you can just play on an online emulator.


I almost bought the NES classic but found an OG NES for $30 bucks and had my mom ship me all of my games from my house in MS.


$300 dollars?  This bundle is $89, and I hate managing game files for emulators..


I deal with many many beats that have to be compressed and unzipped as it is..


and as I mentioned (through sarcasm) in a previous post I feel sorry for nintendo.


So I wanna buy it.  :D




$300 dollars? 


Not sure where I saw that, but I remember thinking "Damn, that shit is more than all the Next gen consoles"  I'm not in the market for one so I just took the price at face value.....Maybe it was bundled with some other shit.


And I wouldn't fuck with files  either.....You can play most stuff browser based.  Not bogging down my comps with shit i'll play for 2-3 hours just out of nostalgia.


Not sure where I saw that, but I remember thinking "Damn, that shit is more than all the Next gen consoles"  I'm not in the market for one so I just took the price at face value.....Maybe it was bundled with some other shit.


And I wouldn't fuck with files  either.....You can play most stuff browser based.  Not bogging down my comps with shit i'll play for 2-3 hours just out of nostalgia.


That's what a lot of morons were buying the NES mini for from resellers when it wasn't in store anymore.


That's the only reason I'm even talking about this.. because I don't want to regret not buying it later


and theres only a bunch of dick-head kneckbeards selling them at triple price. I mean I think that's why.


Life will go on without much fuss if I never get one though believe me.  :|


That's the only reason I'm even talking about this.. because I don't want to regret not buying it later


and theres only a bunch of dick-head kneckbeards selling them at triple price. I mean I think that's why.


Life will go on without much fuss if I never get one though believe me.  :|


Yah i mean im sure ill get one now but if i dont ill be $80 richer.


And yeah, I don't care about this either. An SNES and a flashcart would be a better purchase for not that much more money.

I'm only going to try to buy it because it's cheap, an obviously a 'lame' publicity stunt from nintendos marketing peeps.

I'll bite, just this once though.. Fuckers better come out with an actual new game that isn't god awful/played out soon.




Playing contra and mario rpg was one of the happiest moments of my life and i want it on my flatscreen...no freaking emulator on a computer.


Memories of video games are the happiest memories in your life huh.


That's what a lot of morons were buying the NES mini for from resellers when it wasn't in store anymore.


No no....That was like last week when i googled it to see what games were on it....I know they were gouging the NESC. 


Now that I think about it, I believe it was on FB that I saw it before I googled it because there was a coupon for $35 off any purchase over $200......No telling, but it was then that I was like "psh"


No no....That was like last week when i googled it to see what games were on it....I know they were gouging the NESC. 


Now that I think about it, I believe it was on FB that I saw it before I googled it because there was a coupon for $35 off any purchase over $200......No telling, but it was then that I was like "psh"


Nintendo is psssh all around.


All you need is Tekken 7.


That's good to here. You are at walmart or target you said? When are they going to start selling them?


Since I guess you're waiting in line with other people for it..


People will still usually give up their seat for old women


8:00 a.m est?  I wonder what the walmart here is doing. Probably the same thing if they even have it yet.


It is 24/7 though.


I drove 30 mins to the 24/7 walmart. Got there @ 1030pm. They had already sold out by giving people tickets.


I drove 30 mins to the 24/7 walmart. Got there @ 1030am. They had already sold out by giving people tickets.


Just be honest you're there to pick it up and sell it online for a profit.


Fucking gougers.


Ok so maybe ill sell it if its not what i remember but itll be open box lolololol


I wouldn't buy a secondhand bottle of bleach from you.

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