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Do you believe the Elder Scrolls and Fallout exist in the same timeline?

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Well in that case I suppose it must.


End of discussion I suppose.


Shame, I had a whole thesis complete with evolutionary phylogeny, geographic movements of continental plates, and even the inclusion of extra-terrestrial travelers to explain the extra moon and all the Daedra. 


It's a great power-point presentation.


Your resolve leaves much to be desired.


As to, most likely, does your contention. So, for the sake of argument, We shall humor you, and entertain this frivolous notion that fictional universes are contained within everything.


Do tell, what evidence supports your claim that these two spheres occur not just within the same continuum, but indeed if tectonics are relevant, upon the same world?


Yes because Bethesda and Zenimax are now shameless in clamoring to hop aboard the media parlor trick train these days, which includes connected universe shit. Everything in an IP catalog must now be connected, even if it makes no fucking sense.


All right, this is going to be a cliff-notes version with no citations to the lore, and I'm prolly going to get some stuff wrong because I'm rushing it, but here we go.


We're going to go mostly chronologically on this I suppose, so from the beginning, the world of Fallout was very similar to our own until nuclear apocalypse.


The bombs fell, radiation and FEV mutating the various lifeforms of the earth into those encountered in the game. There was likely a fair amount of geographical changes incurred by this as well, the residual heat from the bombs likely changing sea levels, and potential geothermal activity being triggered at the sites where the majority of the munitions fell.


The real change, however, came several hundred thousand years after the war. The radiation has cleared up, the mutations have mostly stabilized, the ancestor species of those in the Elder Scrolls have been established (DeathClaws evolved into dragons, argonians, and akiviri snakemen, Supermutants have become the ancestors of giants, trolls, ogres, orcs, Men have split into humans and elves, etc.)


Wham, here comes the second moon. Advanced beings from far away have arrived within our solar system; potentially traveling on the moon, or just bringing it with them for shits and giggles. the introduction of a new heavenly body seriously fucks with the tidal forces and the continents. Eurasia becomes Tamriel after northern Africa combines with Europe, the islands of southeast asia combining into the swampy southern coast of the massive continent. Southhern Africa breaks free and becomes Yokuda, the Americas (complete with the return of the Cretaceous NA inland sea) become Akavir, australia as Lyg, etc.


The advanced beings fuck around in our solar system for a bit, establishing their own "planes of Oblivion" on the various planets and moons, harvesting and genetically engineering the denizens of earth. A few thousand ears of theat, and you get into the recorded history of the Elder Scrolls.


Yes because Bethesda and Zenimax are now shameless in clamoring to hop aboard the media parlor trick train these days, which includes connected universe shit. Everything in an IP catalog must now be connected, even if it makes no fucking sense.


It does make sense if you attach them right.

Guest The Hound

I'm pretty sure I do.

Not possible.

Cute in theory but remember, Beth didn't write or create the Fallout IP.


A few things:


One- It is highly questionable what extent, if any, tidal forces have on continental drift. This doesn't destroy your hypothesis, but it bears noting you're already on shaky ground. [Completely irrelevant side note:  We have always understood the phrase "no pun intended" to mean a passive lack of intention to include a pun, rather than the active intention of excluding one, despite being a closer interpretation based on syntax.]


Two- Why do the advanced beings come? Where were they before? There are a lot of gaps in your explanation. And everything is as to how things could be, and not why they should be. We will grant that it is possible that your take on the situation is correct, but We do not find it remotely plausible, and remain a non-believer.


Three- We were expecting a power point.  :robot(

Guest The Hound

It is possible.


Just because I  don't own the X-men doesn't mean I  never fought Aliens and Predators with them.

it's just not



you can't cross those universes



trust me



they're both written originally by entirely separate people



thank fuck the rest of the world doesn't work like the marvel and dc universes.

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