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  • 1 month later...

.... nothing? really?


went last night with my mother and brother as tradition mandates. i thought it was good, better than Force Awakens but didn't leave me with as many lingering thoughts and questions. that may be in part due to the fact that i became severely ill part way through. so i will need to go a second time when my head is clear before delving into it too much.


things that i enjoyed greatly about the movie were the jokes, seriously, why robits so snarky and funny all the time? that throw back feel of artistic design and graphics. of the two new films, this one had far better acting all around. fuck yeah donnie yen. the ending was great, the kind i wish more movies had.


i'll come back once i've seen it again without the distracting illness.


I'm curious about the legal hoops and hurdles to using Peter Cushing's likeness extensively.


I liked that Krennic didn't have a posh accent like most imperial officers, it kind of spoke to his character's motivation to climb that ladder of success.


Also, Vader's fortress was confirmed by Lucasfilm to be on Mustafar. That definitely adds layers to him, for that to be his "home."


I have to think more about other things before mentioning any, not sure I'm ready to start discussions the spoilers.


Yeah I never heard the I rebel line. Did I miss it or just not there?


Also I think I read where the estate of Cushing gave the ok.


As far as the movie goes I really enjoyed. it. Great nostalgia at times but a good movie on its own. They managed to lead it right into episode 3. Also this one felt like a war with the battles.


Yeah I never heard the I rebel line. Did I miss it or just not there?


Also I think I read where the estate of Cushing gave the ok.


As far as the movie goes I really enjoyed. it. Great nostalgia at times but a good movie on its own. They managed to lead it right into episode 3. Also this one felt like a war with the battles.

That's what was so refreshing it was like a WWII type of battle it was cool to see that

  • 3 weeks later...

I thought it was pretty boring personally.  I liked the last one much more.

But then I'm a Trekker and the last one was directed by J.J. Abrams so that has a lot to do with it.


I agree with what the Nostalgia Critic said about the movie on Channel Awesome which is on Youtube.


Just got around to seeing it today.


Really, really liked it. To be honest, I think it's a good entry point for people unfamiliar with Star Wars: The sad truth is that there are people (and I'm assuming this will be a problem with kids especially as time marches forward) that might be intimidated by how dated A New Hope is. Being Rogue One is essentially Episode IV: Part 1, you could lead them right into the next one and it'd be a perfect transition.

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