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Meh. Some choke me out. They're a pretty good in addition to but not a stand alone thing. 4/10 am disappoint. Now I think these dabs I got will be crap too.  :420: >:( 8)


"don't be hatin" how about don't assume....I'm more bothered why you would bother with a fucking vape...grow some big boy hair on yo nuts and smoke the good good

Lol, you're just full of piss and vinegar.


then don't be a punk ass hipster...vape...Jesus if you're not gonna smoke right then don't smoke it

You have no fucking idea what your talking about.


i'm not a fan, i mean, they're alright but overall i would agree with your rating. i absolutely hate dabs. fuck that, no thanks, does not like. i'd rather just smoke a bowl or joint tbh. i do make butter or oil for nomnoms with my trim hash tho, so i like the treats just fine. occasionally i get tincture, but the tincture is typically just for medical purposes. as far as inhalation goes, i'm old school bout it.


mmmk sure stick to your garbage...you're only freeing up the better shit to buy

Lol you're silly if you think I actually paid for it and the shit I get would make you ashamed of the stem ridden seed filled shit you smoke.


i'm not a fan, i mean, they're alright but overall i would agree with your rating. i absolutely hate dabs. fuck that, no thanks, does not like. i'd rather just smoke a bowl or joint tbh. i do make butter or oil for nomnoms with my trim hash tho, so i like the treats just fine. occasionally i get tincture, but the tincture is typically just for medical purposes. as far as inhalation goes, i'm old school bout it.

Yeah I was thinking it would be better the way people talk about it. I might just give the dabs away as it would be a hassle to rig something up to do it. I'm all about the plant. I dig edibles but it's hard to find the right amount to nom if it's not your go to. I had an uh oh once from eating too much. I was fine but I had to tell myself that a few times.  :D


i feel you. they can be sneaky and too damn strong but since i mostly am just eating my own, i know whats up. if i am ever given or buy some, i just take a small bite and wait it out to see. i've definitely been in one of those, find a spot to sit or get horizontal and talk yourself down, type situations. no bueno.


I wish I could make my own edibles then I would know too. The mmj in my state doesn't allow plant or edibles I think that's why these pens are everywhere  : o


If youre gona "vape"  :420:

you cant be cheap with it, get the high end herbals and pen to do it

I think I'm done with it. I'm not crazy about the taste either :420:

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