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Anita Bryant was a former beauty queen who fought against gay right in florida in the 70s. So all the gay bars took screwdrivers off the menu and made a drink with vodka and apple juice and called it an "Anita Bryant"


Wait vodka and apple juice has a name?!


I have heard that name before but completely forgot why...  >:D but if that is the case I have had PLENTY of those... :robotP

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Yeah, just like every other redblooded American male.


It wasn't this way until I acquired a house and then all the stuff my gf's dad left behind... my g-pop and her dad donated a lot of stuff my way...  -_'


Oh, and I have tools from my beach place... so before all this, at best I had doubles of tools... because fuck transporting tools every time I went to the beach.

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It wasn't this way until I acquired a house and then all the stuff my gf's dad left behind... my g-pop and her dad donated a lot of stuff my way...  -_'


Oh, and I have tools from my beach place... so before all this, at best I had doubles of tools... because fuck transporting tools every time I went to the beach.


But the most important question: do you have a steady supply of dry-wall screws?

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