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Does anyone have an archive of the ASMB boards, either version?


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What were the test boards? A mirror of the original? Or is that just a rough reference date.


Still Me[/member]


Yeah, I'm sure Luuv would have known. I will perhaps ask KN if I can not figure it out.


Thank you for the help guys, as I am working on something related.

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AD's last day:




The last posts made on the boards:




So January 14, 2016 at approximately 3:30pm central time.


Those caps were taken on January 22 while the Lithium boards were still accessible if you knew the secret address.


As far as other archive type things, I have a bunch of screencaps from ye olden days and maybe some Scrapbook saves of threads from the first or second time we thought the boards would be shut down, if that's of any interest to you.

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No one actually did it.

I think the best we have is the Internetwaybackmachine


I have been messing around with some various things such as way back machine and some related techniques. Just needed some dates so I can get the most that I can possibly grab. I'm not going to do this if it already exists readily available to everyone, so I pmed KN about it. If I hear anything more about it then I will probably post some links as soon as I can get it sorted.

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