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Bulma's older sister Tights is a maain character in Toriyama's manga series Jaco the Galactic Patrolman. Jaco, Tights and an ld man go on a fun adventure and near the end of the manga, w learn that Tights is the daughter of Dr. Briefs and has a baby sister named Bulma, tying the two series' continuities together.


Looks like fan fiction come to life  :barf:


Why did toriyama and toei do this?  >:(

welcome to the "I Hate Super" club we've got Jackets :|

It's cool Beerus is bringing in a guy, but I wish he picked th e other 2 as well.  We've seen plenty of the Earth's warriors.  Let's get some more aliens!


Forgot to wish back King Kai again.


Do we really need to worry about Beerus?  He probably wants to wish for something stupid like all the Earth's recipes or something.


Oh yeah there's nothing that could affect the Earth by being in a different Universe, Goku.


Bulma has a sister?  BULL. SHIT.


So, it's time for a GRAND TOUR.


Looks like fan fiction come to life  :barf:


Why did toriyama and toei do this?  >:(


It's ridiculous to suggest she ever existed in the first place.  And there was a galactic patrol in GXP too heh.


I dug this episode, but one thing bugs me...


Was Piccolo unceremoniously revived off-screen, and if so, how?


Oh right, we don't need him alive to summon Shenron, we only need Dende.


But Beerus preventing King Kai from being wished back was a pretty hilarious dick move!


I dug this episode, but one thing bugs me...


Was Piccolo unceremoniously revived off-screen, and if so, how?

Toei forgot they killed him





they just staight up forgot he was dead


kinda like how they forgot Launch existed


Never though I'd be a member  :'(


But after this episode. Can't help myself


Bulma's sister was the deal breaker? Not ... everything else? =)


With me using Sling for the foreseeable future, I will always have to deal with my feed being 1 minute behind you all.


Why are you using Sling?


I dug this episode, but one thing bugs me...


Was Piccolo unceremoniously revived off-screen, and if so, how?


Oh right, we don't need him alive to summon Shenron, we only need Dende.


But Beerus preventing King Kai from being wished back was a pretty hilarious dick move!


I believe Goku said he was going to use Porunga to wish him back.  I guess using the Dragon Balls is so routine now it doesn't even need to be shown every time. :D


if you think Goku seems "off" in Super you aren't the only one, from what I hear he gets more and more stupid and unlikable as the series progresses


This is very accurate. It's to the point that I groan every time Goku is on screen in the current sub arc, because something incredibly stupid is going to come out of his mouth with no redeeming qualities whatsoever. On the bright side, Vegeta and Gohan are getting way more character development now, so this is a plus. Goku has almost become like a punchline though.... kind of sad. He's gone from innocent childlike altruism with some flaws, to childlike mischieve maker with a hint of psychopath that wants nothing more than to fight. This is definitely not the same type of Goku from DBZ (or at least not how he was originally portrayed). Maybe being brought back to life distorts one's personality a bit each time..... considering he's been resurrected 2 times at this point... could explain a few things. Like a spiritual version of brain damage. Would also explain the numerous changes to Krillin's personality as well (3 resurrections).


I keep hoping Super will pull some good writing out of its hat and throw us a huge plot twist where Goku ends up being the final bad guy after becoming obsessed with the urge to fight in never ending battles.


I keep hoping Super will pull some good writing out of its hat and throw us a huge plot twist where Goku ends up being the final bad guy after becoming obsessed with the urge to fight in never ending battles.

there's actually a shit ton of evidence that that might really be where the show is heading.....my theory is that Vegeta will end up having to kill Goku, just purely based on their mutual character development thus far in super, it seems like Vegeta is slowly becoming a true hero while Goku is descending into evil




there's actually a shit ton of evidence that that might really be where the show is heading.....my theory is that Vegeta will end up having to kill Goku, just purely based on their mutual character development thus far in super, it seems like Vegeta is slowly becoming a true hero while Goku is descending into evil



Nah the fans would riot, and Super doesn't have good or clever writing =P


And according to Toriyama... Goku was always supposed to be this way.


Akira Toriyama himself in 1997:


“Right. There’s how, basically, Son Goku from Dragon Ball doesn't fight for the sake of others, but because he wants to fight against strong guys. So once Dragon Ball got animated, at any rate, I've always been dissatisfied with the “righteous hero” type portrayal they gave him. I guess I couldn't quite get them to grasp the elements of “poison” that slip in and out of sight among the shadows.”


My theory is that Goku becomes the new God of Destruction for his universe. It fits his one dimensional character perfectly. And he also loves food just like Beerus.


Nah the fans would riot, and Super doesn't have good or clever writing =P


And according to Toriyama... Goku was always supposed to be this way.


Akira Toriyama himself in 1997:


“Right. There’s how, basically, Son Goku from Dragon Ball doesn't fight for the sake of others, but because he wants to fight against strong guys. So once Dragon Ball got animated, at any rate, I've always been dissatisfied with the “righteous hero” type portrayal they gave him. I guess I couldn't quite get them to grasp the elements of “poison” that slip in and out of sight among the shadows.”


My theory is that Goku becomes the new God of Destruction for his universe. It fits his one dimensional character perfectly. And he also loves food just like Beerus.

I mean, the gods of destruction aren't good based on what's been stated about them


according to king Kai they kill and destroy innocent people just for fun and to the best of his knowlage there is no justification for what they do, it's just like an earthquake or a hurricane, something horrible that happens for no reason


so that'd still basically be a descent into evil if Goku became the new destroyer god


that said, if Goku DOES become the new Destroyer god it would fit perfectly into my opinion that Goku is roughly the same type of character as Sailor Galaxia from Sailor moon



Galaxia herself was basically a Destroyer god


she traveled the Galaxy destroying planets and Genociding races for no reason, purely in pursuit of stronger warriors to battle, the only difference between her and a Destroyer god was that if she found warriors strong enough to survive fighting her she would take them in, making them a member of her Army....and guess who else does exactly that



literally all the other members of Goku's team (except Krillin) originally joined because Goku had so much fun fighting them that he spared them so he could battle them again one day


on another note related to Goku

being a God of destruction


the most recent chapter of Super's manga adaption (which has several key differences from the anime) has softly confirmed that Beerus wants Vegeta to be his brother Champa's replacement




Beerus is training Vegeta to Kill Champa, and Whis may be training Goku to Kill Beerus



Yeah I kind of figured they'd go that route. Not much else they can do. Other than having them both die which fans won't stand for, or having Goku turn evil which fans also would never go for.

  • 2 weeks later...

Nah the fans would riot, and Super doesn't have good or clever writing =P


And according to Toriyama... Goku was always supposed to be this way.


Akira Toriyama himself in 1997:


“Right. There’s how, basically, Son Goku from Dragon Ball doesn't fight for the sake of others, but because he wants to fight against strong guys. So once Dragon Ball got animated, at any rate, I've always been dissatisfied with the “righteous hero” type portrayal they gave him. I guess I couldn't quite get them to grasp the elements of “poison” that slip in and out of sight among the shadows.”


My theory is that Goku becomes the new God of Destruction for his universe. It fits his one dimensional character perfectly. And he also loves food just like Beerus.


But... Goku totally fought for other people before.  He fought to revive Upa's father and protect other people from the Red Ribbon Army.  He fought to avenge Krillin after King Piccolo's minion killed him.  He fought Raditz to save his son, after first trying to convince him to leave.  HE SACRIFICED HIMSELF TO SAVE EVERYONE FROM CELL.  There's plenty of other examples.  This is just retroactive bullshit.


I don't know, did he do that stuff out of the goodness of his heart or did he just like the fighting part?


I never watched it subbed because the voices are ridiculously awful, so I can't say how much the dialogue changing between sub and dub changed the character.


It's important to remember though, Toriyama is a shitty writer. He's very creative, and an amazing artist. But he sucks at writing and with his memory he may well have early onset Alzheimer's.


Viewed in English, he's your classic pure hearted shonen protagonist.


He also uses the Flying Nimbus in Super, which can only be used if you have a pure heart. So who knows =P


I don't know, even with changes to dialogue, it seems pretty obvious that Goku doesn't approve of villains hurting people.  And I never watched the much of the sub either, but as I understand it, the original DBZ dub tried to change things to make Goku into more of a Superman character, whereas Kai is supposed to be closer to the original, and the manga.  For instance, Goku saying things like "Ally of good!  Enemy to you!"  Still, it didn't seem to me like Goku was just in it for the fights.  Actually, didn't Goku have a vision of everyone he cared about dying should he fail to beat Frieza?  So... yeah.


Don't know if I would call it shitty writing per se, as he pulled things off pretty well for what the series was, for he most part, but you can't just retcon Goku's character like that when we all know how he actually was.  So yeah, he's either going senile or he's full of shit.


The Nimbus, of course. *SIGH*

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