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If you look on CN's main schedule, they only have two shows running all day long, every day: Teen Titans Go, and the newer show OK KO!: Let's Be Heroes.  That is beyond just mild trolling by this point. Paul Pescrillo, the founder of Toonamifaithful.com and also its podcast, even said online today that CN "is dying", but it seems like it's just him being upset, without any evidence to back that up.  With Adult Swim faring better than CN is at the moment, I wonder if the horrible ratings all around is a result of that, in addition to people just ditching cable.  Some theorize that if CN dies, Adult Swim will try to live on in either a separate channel, or on a streaming service.


I don't know, but any normal network wouldn't have aired a particular show to this extent. It's making Nickelodeon's constant whoring of SpongeBob back in the late 2000's look tasteful.


Are any of their other shows doing badly? Because even if TTG has been doing great, I don't see the reason why you can't have anything else.


If you look on CN's main schedule, they only have two shows running all day long, every day: Teen Titans Go, and the newer show OK KO!: Let's Be Heroes.  That is beyond just mild trolling by this point. Paul Pescrillo, the founder of Toonamifaithful.com and also its podcast, even said online today that CN "is dying", but it seems like it's just him being upset, without any evidence to back that up.  With Adult Swim faring better than CN is at the moment, I wonder if the horrible ratings all around is a result of that, in addition to people just ditching cable.  Some theorize that if CN dies, Adult Swim will try to live on in either a separate channel, or on a streaming service.

CN isn't dieing




but by all rational logic it should be based on how they're running it S:


I don't know, but any normal network wouldn't have aired a particular show to this extent. It's making Nickelodeon's constant whoring of SpongeBob back in the late 2000's look tasteful.


Are any of their other shows doing badly? Because even if TTG has been doing great, I don't see the reason why you can't have anything else.

all their shows are actually doing great


exactly why is kind of a mystery though, since they only show one show


Cable networks are facing the same challenges that broadcast networks and affiliates faced with cable came on the scene.  Some adapted and survived, many did not, and folded.


Now both broadcast and cable networks are being forced to adapt again to a streaming environment.  Some will adapt and survive, many will not, and will fold.


I think what CN is attempting to do with Boomerang is a good idea, but unfortunately I don't think they're promoting it much.


Turner content (especially that CN/Boomerang/AS content) is particularly suited for streaming.  Yet I think, of all the networks out there, AS and Turner seem to have the least grasp on how to work to that format.  AS.Com I think has always been behind the curve by quite a bit with its streaming.  Buddha had to really twist their arms to get it for the site. 


Just as cable sort of has one foot in both worlds, in their attempt to become the sole internet provider in each of their territories, but it feels like that's simply a way to maintain their cable markets, rather than grow new ones. 


Same with Turner.  Or at least it feels that way.  Rather than reach out for the new, they seem more intent on using streaming simply as a means to point toward their cable content.  Which is a bad way to go I think simply because - people are telling them what they want and how they're wanting to receive their programming just with their behavior.


Some companies will read that and capitalize on it.  Others will instead attempt to channel consumers in a different direction than they actually naturally seem to want to go in.  Which can sometimes allow for the treading of water, but ultimately is doomed to stall out eventually.


Those companies that were born into streaming, and because of streaming, will probably continue to make huge gains.  Broadcast will adapt in the same manner that they did with cable.  And cable will largely drive itself into a ditch I think.  I'm not sure cable networks have quite the same capacity or freedom to adapt that broadcast networks seem to enjoy.  Cable providers seem pretty zealous about holding their ground, and playing dirty with cable networks to do it. 


So I think some cable networks will get strangled by providers' inability to adapt.  Some will simply fall victim to their own inability to adapt.  And, probably most of the big ones will probably eventually cast of their shackles once they realize that, if they don't make a move, they stand to lose a ton of money.


When I started the thread, I still felt CN dying at the moment is VERY unlikely.  I was just mirroring what Paul said. 


Yeah you can bet their aren't promoting what they're doing with Boomerang much! To the point where i didnt KNOW they were until today! *_*  Networks in America have too many brains trying to fight for control, resulting in just poor moves all around.


If you look on CN's main schedule, they only have two shows running all day long, every day: Teen Titans Go, and the newer show OK KO!: Let's Be Heroes.


Wow. That's pretty bad.


They have at least 10 or so current successful shows they could cycle in throughout the day. That's inexcusable / suicidal.


Advertising pays the same weather you make top quality shows or utter garbage that is cheap so why spend more money?  Really they could just do a retro block which wouldn't cost them anything in production and it would be better than TTgo every day.  CN I think has an odd mentality of kids don't want to watch old shows. Despite the channels early popularity was based around shows from the 50s-70s being watched by late 80s and early 90s kids. Then they hit it off by trying new stuff and seeing what stuck, and came up with Johnny Bravo, KND, Dexters lab, Cow and Chicken, Megas XLR, PPG, Grimm adventures of billy and mandy, Samurai Jack, Courage the Cowardly Dog, Edd Ed and Eddy, Fosters home for Imaginary Friends etc. 



The issue that I see is that Cartoon Network has become the only game in town for the moment, and the heads know it. When CN was putting out those great shows they were up against shows like Doug, Rugrats, Angry Beavers, Ahhh Real Monsters, Ren and Stimpy, Rocko's modern life, Hey Arnold, Kim Possible, Goof Troop, The Real Ghost Busters, Tiny Tunes, Animaniacs, Batman TAS, Superman TAS, MIB, Pokemon (before the merger), Digimon, Gargoyles, Duck Tales, Tail Spin, Etc the list goes on.


It was a time where their nich was playing cartoons 24/7 and they needed to have original shows to compete. The last time CN sparked any creativity in bringing out new shows was when MLP came out on Hasbro and Gravity Falls Blew up on Disney.  Those two shows getting big actually got CN to push for new content. GF has been done for a year now and MLP's fandom has slipped so CN is back to not having any large competition to motivate them to try harder.

Guest Zintar

Wow. That is the worst schedule ever. Hard to believe that the networks 25th Anniv is this coming October. Too bad, they should/could be doing so much more.

Guest Zintar

I don't mean to be unintentionally sexist, but it's all Christina Miller's fault. For all his bad, Stuart Snyder was actually kind of better.




I don't mean to be unintentionally sexist, but it's all Christina Miller's fault. For all his bad, Stuart Snyder was actually kind of better.

I remember when they hired her she claimed she was gonna seek some more female oriented shows for CN



well where the fuck are they?, Teen Titans go! isn't a show for girls, in fact it's actually sexist most of the time


I also half believe the reason for the schedule being 90% TTG! is because all their other shows are so bad by comparison that TTG! is the only one that brings in viewership


We Bear Bears is basically Millenials the animated series (which means it's too dated to have broad or long lasting appeal) PPG 2016 is  a trainwreck on every level (Transphobia, one of the writers being a lolicon fan artist who wrote himself into the show as Blossom's boyfriend) and the rest of the shows they seem to be trying to bury due to them containing Lesbian subtext (a character in clarence has two moms, all the gems are Lesbians, and supposedly Princess Bubblegum is a lesbian)


I remember when they hired her she claimed she was gonna seek some more female oriented shows for CN



well where the fuck are they?


Steven Universe is one, as well as the PPG reboot aside from all its questionable stuff.













Also, their other shows are NOT all bad.  Clarance is actually watchable. We Bare Bears is charming and at times touching.  I laugh at Mighty Magiswords.

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