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and road rage...but that's a subject for another day....


so anyways, my car tells me my fuel range and it hits the fuel light when I get to 44 miles...but as soon as it comes on...i fuckin panic..."omg I'm not gonna make it to the next station" "how am I getting to work" "I don't have money for a tow truck or that traveling fuel truck" "if I run out of fuel and throw my flashers on do I call the non-emergency police line" "are people passing me on the street gonna turn this into a 'typical blonde' thing" "my boss is gonna pick on me"


That ain't shit. I got a mental health problem which fucks my whole shit up.


You can deal with a little car phobia every now n then.


good for you get a job


nothing pisses me off more then a fuel gage that floats ...HOW MUCH DO I HAVE LEFT? GODDAMMIT!!!


good god I hated those...go up a hill and you have no gas, go down a hill, fuckin full tank


put a piece of duck tape over the warning light, problem solved, can't panic over what you can't see


FYI I don't drive so I'm sure this advice is  :poop:



and road rage...but that's a subject for another day....


so anyways, my car tells me my fuel range and it hits the fuel light when I get to 44 miles...but as soon as it comes on...i fuckin panic..."omg I'm not gonna make it to the next station" "how am I getting to work" "I don't have money for a tow truck or that traveling fuel truck" "if I run out of fuel and throw my flashers on do I call the non-emergency police line" "are people passing me on the street gonna turn this into a 'typical blonde' thing" "my boss is gonna pick on me"


As bad as it is to run a car bone dry, I have been that guy a few times.


My light in my Jeep came on at around 25-30 miles to empty... so I'd wait til it was down to 5 before I finally stopped somewhere.


But there have been times where I went 30-40 miles after my display went to "0 MI TO  E"...


Reason being, I'd have the fuel light on, needle in the orange, "10 MI TO E" and I'll stop somewhere... get back in, start it up, I suddenly now have 1/8 tank and 60 miles to E, and no fuel light :|


nothing pisses me off more then a fuel gage that floats ...HOW MUCH DO I HAVE LEFT? GODDAMMIT!!!


I had a truck with a bad ground on its gauge, so it always had "a tank and a half of gas" until it was down to a gallon or two and I hit the brakes... it would jump up to full and back down. I then knew I had about 20-30 miles to go.

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