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Glad I didn't miss this one.



At least the anime lets her get in a hit. Even if it does nothing.


Kishimoto, everyone's favorite homophobic and misogynistic manga author ::]::

can we discuss how fucking stupid it is that Konoha turned Naruto into a super weapon by fusing a demon into his body



then abused him for years and years?


And this is what bugged me about Naruto relationships you got a small glimpse and it was just thrown away instantly, I was really hoping for the Naruto/Sakura pairing but after this I was like ok it's Hinata that's cool too, but it dint go freaking anywhere like wtf


I was always for this pairing (Naruto/Hinata), but yeah that doesn't surprise me.


Kishimoto probably doesn't even have them team up at all after this.

You'd think after this moment that he'd start giving Hinata some more focus and time working with Naruto.


Why just casually cut to the real Pain after all this build up?  He should have been revealed when he was actually found by The Leaf.


I really don't see how ostricizing Naruto was productive.  You'd think they'd show some gratitude, since the village would've been destroyed without Naruto.  And why didn't the Hokage tell everyone to knock it off?


Oh snap, she said it.  Made her stand.  But this would have a lot more meaning if Hinata hadn't barely appeared in the show.  So stupid.


Look at those production values go up!  Nice.


Why the hell would you pick on a kid that's basically royalty?  Idiots. 


Still think the cartoonishly senselessly evil bullies are hilarious in this show.  Remember when one of them tossed a dog in a river? :D Reminds me of Stephen King bullies.


see eps like this are why I'm glad

Naruto ended up with Hinata



I'm still announyed that every character ended up in a hetero marriage to a random opposite sex character they never spoke to before



but Hinata really loved Naruto, and she deserved him


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