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Deoxys (Speed) with, Focus Sash, No Guard, Gastro Acid, Fissure, Sheer Cold and Guillotine.


Hah! If you can destroy this thing before it destroys you, I would like to see you try.


Two words: Mold Breaker.


Yeah but no good Pokemon have that ability, so it would probably still lose to Jolteon. Anyway it would destroy your Deoxys.


Yeah but no good Pokemon have that ability, so it would probably still lose to Jolteon. Anyway it would destroy your Deoxys.


Haxorus has Mold Breaker and it could not only resist Jolteon's moves, but hit back hard with one of it's own without fear of Wonder Guard.


Uhhh,,, Wonder gaurd Arcanine (hacked) with Burn up


After using burn up it becomes typeless therefore you can't do damage to it at all.


No need to go any further with this build.  :D


Haxorus with Mold Breaker could still bypass Wonder Guard and hit Arcanine too.


Haxorus with Mold Breaker could still bypass Wonder Guard and hit Arcanine too.

After using burn up arcanine.. or any pokemon with pure fire type loses it's only type and becomes typeless.

Mold breaker does bypass wondergaurd, but haxorus is only slightly faster. It'd have to hit hard, earthquake

wouldn't work if Arcanine is typeless, it can still use priorty  extremespeed regardless. It would still be one

of the most broken things anyone has suggested yet.. better have a full team of mold breaker pokemon.




Deoxys (Speed) with, Focus Sash, No Guard, Gastro Acid, Fissure, Sheer Cold and Guillotine.


Hah! If you can destroy this thing before it destroys you, I would like to see you try.


specs battle bond greninja useing water shuriken


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