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the guy in Lupin DOES sound like Big Gay Al though, it's just more Subtle



My bad.  I was confusing him for the other character.  Yeah he is clearly supposed to sound shuper, thanks for askiiiiing.


Sorry, I should have used the word "stereotypical", because that's what it is!


This also sheds some light:




At least that one wasn't as Egregious as Dr. Stylish from Akame ga KILL!

I'm too Drunk to read that right now


just suffice it to say I don't have a Lisp, I have a super deep Bass voice (like Barry white) and a Baltimore Accent (ah know Hon)


Looks like Mandini IS being betrayed.  Unless that's Rebecca in disguise.  Wait, is that James Bond? :D


So that's what the deal is.  Poor Brozi.


The way Zenigata said Lupin. :D


3 points in a soccer game?  Good luck with that.  They frequently go 0-1. -_- Oh, whaddya know.  We were only shown one goal though.


Aw, Lupin, you're a nice guy.


Hell yeah, was waiting for this!




you guys make me hate myself little bit less :)


I mean I know I'm not a person in the eyes of our society,


but I know at least that aside from my sexuality you guys at least think I'm funny and like me as a person :P

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