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That was great.


If it's not too far out of the way, check out the children's beach in La Jolla if standing on a beach that's crowded with seals and sea lions and Japanese tourists sounds like a good time. Be careful though, the beasts might throw up fish slime all over your shoes.




The Yellow Deli in Vista (San Diego county) is interesting if you're looking for a cool 24 hour cheap sit down food place that's run by a cult. Lots of cool cult literature with dead rock stars on the front lying around for you to take.




Tripping over seals was my favorite stop.


Be sure to check yellow deli's hours before showing up, they are open 24 but not 7 since they go do cult things on the cult farm one day out of the week.


Also the Scientologists have a free anti-psychiatry museum in Hollywood if you're into that stuff.



I like ur profile pic  owo


I aready changed it, lol......That wasn't the one you made though......Your's was much worse but I'm not even sure if I can find it.....Like I would have to dig through your statuses just to find it.


I think fuggz made that one




I aready changed it, lol......That wasn't the one you made though......Your's was much worse but I'm not even sure if I can find it.....Like I would have to dig through your statuses just to find it.


I think fuggz made that one


I believe it was the exact same except the smile and GIF format. Good stuff either way.

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