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Now let's make fun of the fanbase for being horrible garbage shippers.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This may be the MOST AMAZING super robot show in the past 10 years...so my hopes are ENORMOUS!


I fixed some typos :)

I don't like this show so nobody can and all the fans of it are evil because I think my opinion is gospel

giphy.gif VOLTRON SEASON 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, the fans are psychotic. 


Look, I didn't want the series to fail.  I didn't want the fandom to be a raging ball of insanity.  I wanted a show that could be that sort of Western version of Dancouga or the Brave Series.


But here we are. 


Well, the fans are psychotic. 


Look, I didn't want the series to fail.  I didn't want the fandom to be a raging ball of insanity.  I wanted a show that could be that sort of Western version of Dancouga or the Brave Series.


But here we are.

kay I'm gonna level with you for a second


I admit some of Steven Universe's fanbase kind of sucks (that isn't why I've turned my back on the show though there were other factors), but I've yet to see anything terrible the Voltron fanbase has done as a whole


why is it that when you dislike a show you have to make wild sweeping accusations about their fanbases and act like anyone who likes the show is terrible?, frankly it's a little bit childish


Go to Tumblr, look up the stuff people are arguing with over this fandom, and try not to rage.  Try to ignore the death threats towards actors or blatant disregard for stuff people said.


Like when Jeremy Shada (dude who plays Lance) said Lance was straight and the fandom outright said he was an idiot.  They're the idiots.  Or the threats towards the guy playing Shiro.


I wanted something closer to Dancouga or Daimos than Korra.  Is that a crime?


Go to Tumblr, look up the stuff people are arguing with over this fandom, and try not to rage.  Try to ignore the death threats towards actors or blatant disregard for stuff people said.


Like when Jeremy Shada (dude who plays Lance) said Lance was straight and the fandom outright said he was an idiot.  They're the idiots.  Or the threats towards the guy playing Shiro.


I wanted something closer to Dancouga or Daimos than Korra.  Is that a crime?

I guess I just know to keep my distance from fandom stuff cause I never saw any of that


and it's not a crime to dislike a show, but it is extremely annoying to act like a show is horrible just because you don't like it or because somebody you personally dislike does like it


it's like how you endlessly say Sailor Moon is a horrible show just because I like it, it's immature


I hate both Naruto and One Punch man, but the most I've ever done to those shows is point out what I don't like about them, (and the only person who seriously takes issue with me doing so is Ben0119 and we all know what he's like) I don't tell people they as people are horrible for being fans of the shows now do I?


you can hate Sailor Moon, Voltron, and Steven Universe all you want, just don't tell other people they "can't" like a show just because "you say so"


Well the growing consensus is that is well below par.  Add that with insane fans, and it's just leading to the conclusion that cancellation is the best choice.  The fans are not, and it's a disturbing trend.  This isn't a gay figure skating anime, it's a super robot show.  The "fans" are ruining it for everyone.


Well my personal opinion is that is well below par.  Add that with my insane bias against it's fans, and it's just my personal want that cancellation is the best choice.  The fans are not, and it's a disturbing trend.  This isn't a gay figure skating anime, it's a super robot show.  and I think the fans are ruining it for everyone even though nobody else thinks so

**sigh** in one ear and right out the other :|

Look, you're under the assumption that I'm hating on people for liking shows.  That's not the case.  It never was the case (also I don't hate Sailor Moon, I just don't want it on Toonami.  Big, big difference).  It's just that this show was supposed to be something great, and it came out...less than great.  The insane fandom is a separate problem.


When someone says giant robot show, I'm assuming something like this:



Or this:



What we got...doesn't live up to that.


Look, you're under the assumption that I'm hating on people for liking shows.  That's not the case.  It never was the case


"terrible fans."


"Well, the fans are psychotic"


"The "fans" are ruining it for everyone."


:| oh really?



Their rudeness and threats against anyone who doesn't fall in line with their way of thinking is independent of the show itself.


The show itself is subpar.


The fans are crazy people.  These are independent of each other.


Voltron was always subpar


Well yeah, but people were hoping for that Western answer to Gurren Lagann or GaoGaiGar.  Instead we got the worst CG this side of Believe in Santa, animation that looks like the rejected reels from The Magic School Bus 2149, and a super robot show more interested in making fan girls write shit (and I do mean SHIT) about them that has nothing to do with the damn robot.  And jumping through endless hoops and threatening people demanding the ladies man be rewritten as a stereotypical flaming gay man.  FUCK YOU!


So...yeah, I wish we got a Daimos remake instead.

  • 2 weeks later...

New trailer.





1.  Needs more super robots.


2.  Keith working with a feminine looking figure in armor has all the Tumblrinas shitting their pants at the idea of Keith getting a female love interest.  Seeing as he's shown no signs of being attracted to men, I say, fuck the bastards, give him a harem.  See if they even watch the show or they just wanted to project their fantasies onto someone who didn't have much of a personality.


I love super robot shows. 


I hate these fucking fujioshi/Steven Universe fandom refuse.  They make fujioshi and normal SU fans look bad.


Also if I hear one more goddamn thing about how LBGT representation is an absolute necessity for this show and how Keith can't have a girlfriend because he holds the hand of a masked alien I am going to fucking scream.  Leave!  Go back to your gay figure skating show!  No one wants you here!


(This thread may soon need to be renamed "Jman rants about Voltron and tells everyone to watch Kuromukuro instead.")


honestly Jman I'm surprised you aren't happy that the show has no LGBT characters:|



I honestly don't care (I go into every show I watch assuming it won't have LGBT representation....I even went into Yuri on Ice assuming they would just be friends)


honestly Jman I'm surprised you aren't happy that the show has no LGBT characters:|



I honestly don't care (I go into every show I watch assuming it won't have LGBT representation....I even went into Yuri on Ice assuming they would just be friends)


Tumblr fans are harassing the creators about making Keith gay.  Oh, he can't have a girlfriend!  Oh, I'll drop the show if he kisses a woman!  Fuck off!


I've repeatedly expressed that gay people should have the same rights as everyone else.  But you cannot go playing the "it's homophobic!" card if a character who has shown zero gay tendencies kisses a woman.  It's a load of horseshit.  Stop watching then!


Tumblr fans are harassing the creators about making Keith gay.  Oh, he can't have a girlfriend!  Oh, I'll drop the show if he kisses a woman!  Fuck off! only fujoshis, and fankly I have issues with fujoshi myself sometimes because they clearly think gay men exist just for their pleasure and are not people

I've repeatedly expressed that gay people should have the same rights as everyone else. no you haven't, and if you really thought that it wouldn't make you so angry when a show DOES have gay characters  But you cannot go playing the "it's homophobic!" card if a character who has shown zero gay tendencies kisses a woman.  It's a load of horseshit.  Stop watching then!

the only reason people assumed this show would have any LGBT characters was because the crew's previous show had it's two main female characters end up in a Lesbian relationship at the end


obviously Korrasami was a fluke


My old postings on the ASMB should have made that clear but they dead.


The problem isn't gay or straight characters so much as it is turning characters one way or the other to placate loud mouthed fans.  It's why characters like Sara Lance from Legends of Tomorrow (bisexual with clear preference for women) are such a breath of fresh air.  She sleeps with women but it was never a retcon, it was a Day 1 part of her personality and one part of it.


My old postings on the ASMB should have made that clear but they dead.


The problem isn't gay or straight characters so much as it is turning characters one way or the other to placate loud mouthed fans.  It's why characters like Sara Lance from Legends of Tomorrow (bisexual with clear preference for women) are such a breath of fresh air.  She sleeps with women but it was never a retcon, it was a Day 1 part of her personality and one part of it.

how do you feel about Korrasami, Koinetzko and Demartino said they planned for them to be a couple since early season 2 but assumed Nickelodeon would not allow it and therefor did not imply it


then in season 4 Nick straight up told them they had no objections to Korra and Asami being in love with eachother so they abruptly went for it,  making it look like a last minuet decision



also all I've really noticed about you is that you seem to be okay with lesbians but despise male on male romantic pairings, I've never known you to say ANYTHING positive about gay men or gay male characters


Jman...........do you have a tumblr page called "Dynared"?


because this guy is saying some of the same stuff you do....except in a much more tactful way


My joking about YOI aside (because I find figure skating hella lame) that actually did it right by saying it was about this M/M relationship and not making any apologies for it. 


Korrasami proves Bryke are bad writers or huge bullshit artists.  If the relationship was meant to begin from Season 2 and did, it would have felt much more natural.  She would have discovered she was into...everyone and I would have bought that.  I don't buy it the way it was.


Very few gay men are written well in US TV because they're either a joke or a retcon.  Making Mr. Terrific in Arrow gay from the start was a good idea, same with the head of police in the Flash being gay but his stereotypes are more about him being Da Chief with his sexuality not the only part of his personality.


Honestly if characters don't treat their sexualities like this dark secret people would probably be more likely to accept them.  I don't want to rage against gay couples, I want to rage against badly written couples regardless of orientation.  It's why the original Voltron's love story is kinda a joke while Daimos and the relationship between Kazuya and Erika was so well done.


Jman...........do you have a tumblr page called "Dynared"?


because this guy is saying some of the same stuff you do....except in a much more tactful way




My joking about YOI aside (because I find figure skating hella lame) that actually did it right by saying it was about this M/M relationship and not making any apologies for it. 


Korrasami proves Bryke are bad writers or huge bullshit artists.  If the relationship was meant to begin from Season 2 and did, it would have felt much more natural.  She would have discovered she was into...everyone and I would have bought that.  I don't buy it the way it was.


Very few gay men are written well in US TV because they're either a joke or a retcon.  Making Mr. Terrific in Arrow gay from the start was a good idea, same with the head of police in the Flash being gay but his stereotypes are more about him being Da Chief with his sexuality not the only part of his personality.


Honestly if characters don't treat their sexualities like this dark secret people would probably be more likely to accept them.  I don't want to rage against gay couples, I want to rage against badly written couples regardless of orientation.

I've only ever seen you rage against gay ones, there are MILLIONS of badly written straight couples, (every single Disney romance for example) but you've never mentioned any badly written straight ones, only male gay couples

I've only ever seen you rage against gay ones, there are MILLIONS of badly written straight couples, (every single Disney romance for example) but you've never mentioned any badly written straight ones, only male gay couples


Haven't I gone off on SAO and NaruHina enough?  Because I could write essays on those two sucking hard.


And would you believe not having a couple is something I clearly enjoyed about Moana?


Haven't I gone off on SAO and NaruHina enough?  Because I could write essays on those two sucking hard.

not to the same extent you go off on same sex romances


also frankly Jman you have to realize that the only reason people like me (I.e. actual gay fans) get so excited when the possibility of a Gay character shows up in any capacity is because some of us have sucky families who treat us like dirt so seeing even a small glimpse of a Gay couple in the media we watch makes us feel a little better about being the way we are

most of us are fully aware that the Gay characters and couples on TV are badly written or offensive, but we have no choice but to be happy about it because there are so few gay characters in tv shows to begin with that we can't afford to be picky, if we were picky we'd NEVER have gay characters in ANY shows


as a straight person you have no shortage of well written straight couples just because of the sheer volume of straight couples there are on TV



basically by all means hate on the fujoshi who just think Gay people only exist to provide them with fanservice....but respect that people like me get excited for same sex ships because it's the only time we get to see a little of ourselves in anything


I'll concede the point. 


Personally I would rather you were given the item straight up rather than being teased like someone holding a treat in front of a puppy.


Also I make fun of stuff but that doesn't mean I hate it.  Please try to realize that.  I don't hate YOI.  It clearly isn't for me but that does not equal hatred.


I'll concede the point. 


Personally I would rather you were given the item straight up rather than being teased like someone holding a treat in front of a puppy.


Also I make fun of stuff but that doesn't mean I hate it.  Please try to realize that.  I don't hate YOI.  It clearly isn't for me but that does not equal hatred.

fair enough,


maybe in another 70 years people will stop thinking of Gay people as "weird and different" and we won't have to beg for representation like a puppy begging for a treat but right now we do, unfortunately


That would be great.  Make it non-issue.

evidenly semi-related issue


how do you feel about seemingly Asexual shonen Protagonists like Monkey D Luffy and Son Goku who never display ANY attraction to EITHER sex but still end up married to girls by the end somehow?


even if Goku does love Chichi now it always bothered me that he never displayed any legitimate attraction to her as a kid and basically only Married her because Krillin said he had to


(Luffy so far has not gotten Married but it's safe to assume he's going to end up with Boa considering she's an imitation of Chichi)


Depends.  In Goku's case, it was a vehicle to have kids for the next season.  Personally I think it's a small miracle he knew what sex was (and not to mention the old Man of Steel, woman of Kleenex bit.). It only works as a comedy where the punchline is "he's been roped into this and has no idea how or why).  If anyone suggested otherwise (like there was genuine love) I would laugh at them.


In the case of One Piece, Luffy has been shown to be attracted to all of one woman in Nami and Oda apparently retconned that in the dumbest way possible.  If he ended up with Boa, unless it's another "she tricked him but he has no sexual drive, LOL" it would be beyond ludicrous.


I guess because they're shown as asexual and not caring it works as that one joke, but if you're going to convince me they're serious, especially in Oda's case where he retcons anything that suggests Luffy is anything but asexual (like Strong World where it feels all but stated in the message Luffy doesn't hear that Nami loves him.)  You do not put all this effort into ensuring he's asexual and then suddenly give him a libido.


yeah Luffy did use to like Nami....but then Boa's melomelo mellow didn't work...meaning Luffy is apparently literally Asexual (even if he wasn't attracted to Boa specifically it should have worked if he was heterosexual)


yeah Luffy did use to like Nami....but then Boa's melomelo mellow didn't work...meaning Luffy is apparently literally Asexual (even if he wasn't attracted to Boa specifically it should have worked if he was heterosexual)


From what I understand, Mero Mero is based specifically into attraction to the user but it's a moot point given all the retcons.  He is asexual.


them claiming it couldn't have existed without netflix is kind of obnoxious to me too


nothing in the show is too objectionable for it to not be able to air on a normal network


if it actually ended up having gay characters then maybe yeah, making the claim that an actual network wouldn't touch it would've made sense


but they went out of their way to confirm every character was hetero.....so what makes it unable to air on regular TV?


it's a fairly run of the mill robot cartoon, voltron force aired on TV just fine, it was just a lot uglier



unless they're purely referring to the Budget the show took to produce there's no reason VLD couldn't have just aired on Nickelodeon


Season 2 hit, and the same fujioshi who pushed the Asian guy into a gay relationship when he had no personality are now pissed he has a personality...and apparently has feelings for the black girl.  "Oh he has no chemistry!  Oh they need to be platonic!"  Fuck off. 


Season 2 hit, and the same fujioshi who pushed the Asian guy into a gay relationship when he had no personality are now pissed he has a personality...and apparently has feelings for the black girl.  "Oh he has no chemistry!  Oh they need to be platonic!"  Fuck off.

to be fair Jman......while far more subtle than anything in say Naruto, the writers DID actually imply he had feelings for both Lance and Shiro...(that "I held you in my arms, we had a moment" line from season one), not to mention his scenes interacting with Shirogane are somewhat needlessly subtext filled (that scene where he thinks shiro is dieing in the season 2 premier was writen romantically on purpose and I refuse to hear arguments otherwise)


also their previous show ended with two girls in a lesbian romance...so it's not that this show had to have a gay character......it's just kind of a cop-out that the show on a kids TV network that they weren't allowed to show a same sex kiss on got a same sex romance, while the show on netflix where they literally could've gotten away with anything, has an entirely heterosexual cast



Basically if the writers were NOT going to Make Keith gay........they should not have included subtext implying he was....you can write male friendships without making them seem gay, male friends don't gaze Lovingly into eachothers eyes and get face to face in "almost kisses" the way Keith and Shiro regularly do



also, because of how it was portrayed it was also a mistake to make Pidge a girl frankly(it made Trans people think she was going to be a Trans man....but no, just a tomboy who answers to male pronouns but insists that she's actually a girl)


They addressed the Shiro/Keith stuff at least.  Shiro seems to be Keith's surrogate brother.  Keith flat out says Shiro is a brother to him.


They addressed the Shiro/Keith stuff at least.  Shiro seems to be Keith's surrogate brother.  Keith flat out says Shiro is a brother to him.

fair enough.....granted brothers don't usually seem like Gay couples


and frankly Naruto uses the "we're like brothers" excuse to dismiss Naruto and Sasuke too so I'm not buying it


VLD's writers just wanted to trick LOK's gay and Lesbian(and fujoshi) fans into watching VLD by making them think it would have a gay couple too, then once they got the audience they wanted they ditched the subtext because they decided the facade of seeming like a pro-gay show wasn't needed anymore


I don't know.  If Keith had a personality in the first half I would actually agree with you, but for the first season he was a store mannequin that knew kickboxing.  Now he has a personality, and he clearly feels lonely, feels isolated, and apparently really cares about Allura and what she thinks of him.


I don't know.  If Keith had a personality in the first half I would actually agree with you, but for the first season he was a store mannequin that knew kickboxing.  Now he has a personality, and he clearly feels lonely, feels isolated, and apparently really cares about Allura and what she thinks of him.

I admit it is kinda cool that he's got a thing for a Black (coded) character, Asian and Black alien interracial couple



I still think stories that deliberately exclude lgbt people as if we don't exist suck though


I mean we don't need to be in every scene, but some acknowlagement that we exist, are a thing, and that there's nothing "weird" or "different" about us can be comforting to see in a story



especially when we live in a time where the government wants to strip us of our basic human rights


Well, I still have no idea what they plan on doing with Pidge yet.


Also, next season, Lotor was a gigantic creep towards Allura in the old series with a massive Oedipus complex.  I could easily see that being used to confirm Keith and Allura's relationship.

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