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i'm watching this dumb kung fu movie from the 90's

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i was switching between the cantonese and REALLY bad english dub. i had to stop the movie because i recognized the voice of one of the dubbed characters as Kawakami from persona 5. looked it up and it was. NOW I WANT TO PLAY PERSONA AGAIN DAMMIT




I'm starting on my 2nd playthrough of P5. Played it in English the first time, so I'm playing the New Game+ in Japanese this time around.


its one of those movies that are bad but at the same time, just entertaining enough that you will watch the whole thing


like most cheesy kung fu flicks


"So Bad It's Good" aka "Awesomely Bad" movies are my thing. I have almost 300 martial arts movies, and the vast majority are bad movies. My crown jewel is a VHS copy of a movie called "Ninja Death Squad."


Now that I'm up to the 1st palace, I feel like the English and Japanese voices are close enough to eachother that it isn't too jarring. My only issue is that I thought Ryuuji and Ann's sub voices didn't sound as angry or passionate as the dub voices were when Kamoshida and his shadow went into douche mode.



I'm looking forward to Haru's sub voice the most because her English voice is the only one I heavily disliked



"So Bad It's Good" aka "Awesomely Bad" movies are my thing. I have almost 300 martial arts movies, and the vast majority are bad movies. My crown jewel is a VHS copy of a movie called "Ninja Death Squad."



eh, for this one i don't really think it falls exactly into that category either. just that i think the action is just entertaining enough to keep watching. but HOT DAMN GIRL! thats a lot of martial arts movies. i only have like... twenty something of them O.o


I think only a dozen of my movies are actually good martial arts movies, so there's that. But bad kung fu flicks are my guilty pleasure.  <3

mine too. then you'll enjoy this


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