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I miss the old Ichigo, straight from Karakurachō; Ichigo

Chop up the soul Ichigo, set on his goals Ichigo

I hate the new Ichigo, the bad mood Ichigo

The always rude Ichigo, spaz around Uryuu Ichigo

I miss the sweet Ichigo, pre-Soul Society Ichigo

I gotta say, at that time I'd like to meet Ichigo

See, Ichigo invented Ichigo, it wasn't any Ichigos

And now I look and look around and there's so many Ichigos

I used to love Ichigo, I used to love Ichigo

I even had the Nice Vibe shirt, I thought I was Ichigo

What if Ichigo made a light novel about Ichigo

Called "I Miss The Old Ichigo"? Man, that'd be so Ichigo

That's all it was Ichigo, we still love Ichigo

And I love you like Ichigo loves Ichigo


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Personally I like Ichigo better when he is confident and not going through one of his emo spells, but I suppose every character has to have challenges.


I didn't particularly like Bleach after the Soul Society arc, so pre-Soul Society is his best phase. He was still developing as a character.

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