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What's for breakfast?

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Guest Zintar

Shit!  (a real product, 1989)

"So ugly I eat it in the dark".









I can see it now...


- "kids aren't going to eat this!"

- "but sir, it tastes great"

- "it looks like a gawd damn bowl of shit!"

- "well...maybe that could be part of the ad campaign...it would set it apart from competitors that make food that's appetizing"

- "that...could...work....get on it"

Guest Zintar

did it really look like chocolate pudding? That shit in the bowl wasn't even solid.


Or was this really just a skit? Oh it was like Malt O Meal.


totally for real. lol.

Guest Zintar

this is how sex with a bag over your partners face began.


Of course, you would know! heh heh heh.

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